Julie Bradford’s ePortfolio

Julie Bradford’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Communication Design
Portfolio Description

Forever distracted by cute and shiny things. When I’m not too busy drawing cute guys, I’m focused on my schoolwork and catching up on my shows. Currently re-watching The Office for the third time and still amazed that Michael Scott got anywhere in life. If he can make it, we all can.

Recent Posts

Midterm (Strategy + Client Mailing List + Sample Work)

STRATEGY: Postcards that can also be cropped into conventional social media sizes without […] See MoreMidterm (Strategy + Client Mailing List + Sample Work)

200309 UPDATED!Advanced Strategies Pre-Promo

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Internship Wrap-Up Presentation

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Recent Comments

Comment on "Week 1 Assignment #1: Type in your Neighborhood"

Great job noticing that LaGuardia is the subject of your neighborhood. Lots of san serif, making […] See MoreComment on "Week 1 Assignment #1: Type in your Neighborhood"

Comment on "Week 2 Assignment #3: Kerning, Tracking, Leading"

Hi Julie! - Your Typeface is really great. I would just watch out for the line spacing because it […] See MoreComment on "Week 2 Assignment #3: Kerning, Tracking, Leading"