Jose Banegas’s ePortfolio

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My name is Jose Banegas and I’m from Brooklyn, New York, more specifically East New York. I am attending the New York City College of Technology and am pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree in Hospitality Management. My dream job is to become a chef at a restaurant where I can meet various new people and enjoy new flavors of food. My strengths as a student are my understanding of content and ability to process new information, organization skills and highly adept math skills. My interests as a person include sports such as football, basketball and hockey, animals, cooking and music. In terms of career experience, I have worked for the PAL (Police Athletic League) as a clerical aide, for a yoga school as a blogger and for the MFA (Math For America) organization as a video recorder. My greatest accomplishment in life so far really is knowing that I had job opportunities and making the best of them all so I could earn money, experience and be able to support myself. One day, I will achieve my dream and be able to repay my mother for all she’s done with money, love, support and a nice home cooked meal whenever she wants.
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