Jeffrey Vegas’s ePortfolio

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I’m a first year in city tech, my major is in hospitality management, I like to go out with friends and I like culinary arts. The reason why I chose hospitality management is because the hospitality industry interests me, and I would like to be a part of improving my culinary skill. Throughout the semester, I would like to say that I am not in the same position that I was in the beginning of this semester. In the beginning of the semester I was unsure if I really wanted to be in the culinary field, but now when I’ve seen my options in this industry, I’ve became sure that I want to be in the culinary side of the hospitality management.Personally, I feel like the hotel, and other parts of the hospitality industry, are not in my interest to me. I feel like next semester I do intend to improve on developing skills like leadership, and being adept in the kitchen. In addition I do intend to improve on my knife skills in the future.
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