Interactive Interface Design – Spring 2012

active 11 years, 9 months ago
Interactive Interface Design - Spring 2012
This Course Profile is PRIVATE, but the Course Site is OPEN to all visitors.
Communication Design
Course Code
Semester / Year
Spring 2012
Course Description

This course continues the development of skills learned in the Interactive Animation course, with an emphasis on creating user interfaces. Integrating audio, video, vector animation, and interactive components is a powerful way to engage users of the web. To effectively control these elements, competence with Actionscript and Javascript is vital. Students will learn to execute rich media content for the web.


This course was created by: cgarnier

Recent Posts

Week 6: Dynamic Image Gallery, Part 1

Topics: Introducing Project 2 Creating a Simple Image Gallery (JavaScript) Dynamically […] See MoreWeek 6: Dynamic Image Gallery, Part 1

Week 14: Work Session, Final Project Requirements

Class, please follow these guidelines when turning in your final projects: 1. Put your .fla and […] See MoreWeek 14: Work Session, Final Project Requirements

Week 13: Work Session

We'll be working in class today, and I'll be checking your progress. See MoreWeek 13: Work Session

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Internface Design Final project See MoreComment on "Week 14: Work Session, Final Project Requirements"

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