How to travel to Hong Kong

active 8 years, 7 months ago
How to travel to Hong Kong
This Project is OPEN.
School / Office
Technology & Design
Entertainment Technology
Project Description

The group project is done for LIB -1201 research class, and intended to inform people how to travel to Hong Kong by air.
Our group will describe the ways for the traveler to do that not only efficiently, but also with pleasure.
The presentation will try to cover the interesting spots to attend and many useful tools to apply while traveling.


This project was created by: Seku Burris

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Project Proposal

Group C:  Ladislav S., Seku B., Cecilia R. Prof. K.Bugg LIB 1201 10 December 2015 Traveling to Hong Kong  Proposal   My group has chosen the topic of explaining how the process over traveling from New York to Hong Kong works. See MoreProject Proposal