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  • NY Times Restaurant Review
  • #39343


    This week I am reviewing another New York Times Restaurant Review’s article by Pete Wells “At Günter Seeger NY, a Star Chef Resurfaces, Confidence Intact”, introducing a fine dining American restaurant in New York City named Gunter Seeger NY, located in West Village, Manhattan, New York. This restaurant is owned by Chef Gunter Seeger from Germany. The restaurant sells tickets for $185 a person including the service instead of taking reservations. However, now they offer reservations with a $100 a person fee for cancellation within 48 hours. The website also shows menu with a $148 before tax and tips. As Pete described the dining room “overshadowed by the immense stainless-steel kitchen in the back, where Mr. Seeger and his crew are on display, moving soundlessly under lights of operating-room intensity”, you can see Chef Seeger with his assistants cooking very quietly in the kitchen. The dishes Pete had, as he described “expressive” of the season and Chef Seeger cooking techniques. Based on Chef Seeger staffs’, Chef Seeger “draws up the menus while wandering the farmers’ market each day. Like the bit about welcoming you into his home”, looking for the best quality ingredients and providing the best service. The food that Pete described wasn’t good enough and not perfectly cooked “Crosshatches of char overpowered the sole’s exquisite flavor, and yet the thickest part of the fish clung to the spine, not fully cooked.” After reading Pete Wells review about this restaurant, I wouldn’t recommend to go because the foods are very expensive. He didn’t like some of the dishes and found out that the fish wasn’t fully cooked. Therefore I would not go to this restaurant because the price is very expensive and Pete did not enjoyed as much as in other restaurants he visited recently.

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