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  • Gunter Seeger NY restaurant review
  • #39290

    Tiani Martin

    New York City College of Technology, CUNY
    Department of Hospitality Management
    Janet Lefler Dining Room


    To: Professor Abreu, Director of Service
    From: Tiani A. Martin, Student
    Date: September 29, 2016
    Re: New York Times Restaurant Review

    Pete Wells published an article recently on the most current restaurant he attended which was Gunter Seeger NY. This restaurant is located at 641 Hudson Street in New York. In his review he describes what he found positive as well as what he found negative about the restaurant. He states his honest opinions about each establishment he experiences.

    When Pete Wells first starts his review, I noticed that one of the first things that he mentions is the appearance of the restaurant. He states his opinion by saying “the brick walls are painted white and echo with stiff formalities.” He is basically saying that the restaurant didn’t have much ambiance to it was very bland. Even though Pete Wells was not passionate about the ambiance he noticed that the chef’s use of ingredients in his dishes were very much to his liking. He really enjoyed the chilled ea soup that he tasted. The chef at the restaurant uses ingredients that re not common and that’s what makes his dishes so different than other food that he might have tasted. That may be one of the reason that Pete Wells found the prices a bir higher than other restaurants he attended. The fact that the chef uses rare ingredients they may be more expensive to obtain to the restaurant. Overall beside the ambiance and the prices Pete Wells enjoyed the food which was one of the main reasons he had this experience.

    If I had the chance I would definitely dine at Gunter Seeger NY. Pete Wells made this restaurants food very good and as far as his other reviews are concerned, I know that he gives truthful and honest critiques. Even though the ambiance and the prices are not as appealing as the food I would still give this restaurant a chance.

    Providing Over 65 Years of Quality Service to the Hospitality Industr



    New York City College of Technology, CUNY
    Department of Hospitality Management
    Janet Leftler Dining Room

    To: Professor Rosa Abreu
    From: Karina Matias, Student
    Date: September 29th, 2016
    Re: New York Times Restaurant Review
    When reading the review, “At Günter Seeger NY, a Star Chef Resurfaces, Confidence Intact” firstly the title alone explains how Wells’ feels about his dining experience as well as his impression of Seeger. I was surprised to find out how exclusive a reservation is, as I’ve never experienced having to pay $100 cancellation fee, let alone a $148-$185 ticket for a meal. At first I wasn’t too sure how I felt about that, because it seems like a major commitment to something you aren’t even sure that you will enjoy. Wells’ too didn’t seem very thrilled about this either, as he goes on in his article describing Seeger to have a sense of entitlement because of his previous accomplishments in his old restaurant.

    The idea of the décor seems unfitting being that this is considered an upscale fine dining restaurant, I’m all for modern, but the wooden floors and no linens is a turn off when you can expect to spend north of $200 on your dining experience alone. Although the ambience doesn’t work for me, the idea of the tasting menu is great, I personally love multiple small courses. I also love that Seeger uses “back home” methods and frequently takes trips to the farmers market, whether or not all of his ingredients may have come from it (clearly he’s going to need to place a few orders with Paris Gourmet or Dairy Land) but as far as produce goes, the fresher the better and it shows his level of dedication and creativity to his work. Passion for what you do is something that I can always appreciate, so that to me was a plus on Seeger’s end.

    Lastly, aside from the minor negative details, such as pricing and décor, the food seemed to be out of this world, and that is something that I would personally put up with to have an enjoyable meal. Wells’ seemed to not have very few complaints on the dishes, with the high standard that he walked in with about Seeger, I feel that a visit to this restaurant would be worthwhile, seeing how even his prospective changed once he dined. The fines and rarity of his dishes is what makes his dining experience that much more exclusive, Seeger has my vote for sure.

    Providing Over 65 Years of Quality Service to the Hospitality Industry


    Leah Meng

    “New York City College of Technology, CUNY
    Department of Hospitality Management

    Janet Lefler Dining Room


    To: Prof. Abreu
    From: Hsuan Meng
    Date: September 19, 2016
    Re: New York Time Review

    Günter Seeger is a restaurant that was just opened in west village, Chef Seeger, the owner of this restaurant, designed his restaurant flow a little different than other restaurants. Gunter Seeger is not a typical restaurant, it is a restaurant that sells tickets at $148 per for meal and service. They also accept reservation but it will cost $100 for cancellation per person within 48 hours.

    Chef Seeger’s style of cooking and plating is so artistic, so professional to think that we are not just dining for a regular dinner, but we are participating in a art gallery show. According to the article, Pete Wells states that “Günter Seeger NY tells you that the food is the whole show. At these prices, it had better be close to perfect.”

    In my opinion, I would definitely recommend my friends and family to dine at Gunter Seeger, because according to the article, the way Pete Wells described the chilled pea soup and blossom twisted around delicate lobster mousse, sounds like it’s really worth trying.

    Providing Over 65 Years of Quality Service to the Industry

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