Films from Literature ENG 2400

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  • Sexual Symbolism
  • #68410


    2a.) Name three different things you learned
    The thing I learned is that there’s a lot of drama in the background when it is about crime or war. Another is that the camera has the way on how the film should end or when there’s a scene that can be allowed to show. The camera will walk backward of the scene.

    b.) Mention something you liked about the presentation
    One thing I like about the presentation is the way the camera has been filming. The way the director has his or her ideas on how to create the scene and where the camera should be.

    c.) Ask at least one question
    Why do the filmmakers have their reason on what to cut scenes from the film?

    Sexual Symbolism:

    4d.) Name two or three different things you feel you learned
    A different thing I learned is that not only just touching each other’s body parts can lead to sexuality but also the guns and weapons can be signed as well. Watching back to films now we catch the signs of the scene that we missed. Another thing that is not just about the physical emotions or the compliments we say to people but Shakespeare can be said as sexual.

    e.) Mention something you liked about the presentation
    One thing I like about the presentation is that the way the camera zooms on to the point of not just getting the idea of what’s going to happen next but also telling the audience that these are the signs of sexual things.

    f.) Ask at least one question
    How come in some films we didn’t notice the sexually symbolic scenes. For example king kong.



    Document 4
    Please follow this sequence. These tasks should take approximately 2.5 hours altogether,
    including your posting.
    1. Then watch the presentation “Cinema II f20.avi”’s%20class%20presentaions?previe
    (It picks up where last week’s presentation ended with characters facing the audience.)
    90 min.
    2. Then, as you did last week, please answer the following
    a. Name three different things you feel you learned.
    The things I learned is that I think the mirror can be an important thing/role when it comes to showing a reflection of yourself or the enemy. It also can be helpful to see from another site.
    b. Mention something you liked about the presentation.
    What I like about the video is when Lee uses the mirror to fight against the enemy of knowing where it is. He makes his target when the enemy gets closer to him.
    c. Ask at least one question that now comes to mind about this presentation.
    Is it hard for actors to get the idea of the character to work against the mirror or use the mirror as a guide.

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