ePortfolio Clinical Evaluation Narrative

Instruction. Students are to write a self-reflection piece on how they fulfilled each one of their nine (9) clinical objectives as per the provided Clinical Evaluation Tool. The self-reflection piece will include a summary as to how the student feels the clinical setting and the didactic setting experiences correlate to each other, as well as how the experiences provided to the personal and professional growth of the student. The reflection piece is to be posted to the Blackboard (Bb) Discussion site, read and reviewed by peers, and rewritten as suggested. The student will then submit their piece to his/her own e-Portfolio as one he/she is proud to post as an example of personal and professional growth, as well as a maturation of self-reflection of ability, achievement, and attitude.
Description. Electronic Portfolios are a creative means of organizing, summarizing, and sharing ideas and information about learning experiences, together with personal and professional growth. The reflection in portfolio development can be important as a final product of one’s own evaluation and self-assessment. As part of an e-portfolio, a self-reflection can be used to share one’s range of abilities, achievements, and attitudes.