ENT4900/4901 Internship

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  • Heritage Intership Log (Shane weekly log)
  • #43042


    Shane Weekly Journal
    March Total hours (30 hours)

    March 13th 2017 – First day working, did prototyping sites and recording the

    March 17th 2017 – Inventory, finding a app and listing book, and other.

    March 20th – Inventory listing

    March 23rd – talking about more more and other projects to work on.

    March 24th – Writing out the inventory listing.

    March 27th – Applying the Inventory listing to the app.

    March 31 – Working on the ending of the inventory, but there was a problem exporting the inventory. Sending it just through a google excel chart instead.

    (April hours – __ )
    April 3rd – Done with inventory and Assigning illustrator recreating logo work

    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Shaneno.
    • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Shaneno.


    March Total hours (50 hours)

    March 1st – 31st: Working on small projects. Interaction Storyboard, Beta Testing, Helping create a Game, Rapid Prototyping, Working on Editing video’s.

    March 13th 2017 – First day working, did prototyping sites and recording the

    March 17th 2017 – Inventory, finding a app and listing book, and other.

    March 20th – Inventory listing

    March 23rd – talking about more more and other projects to work on.

    March 24th – Writing out the inventory listing.

    March 27th – Applying the Inventory listing to the app.

    March 31 – Working on the ending of the inventory, but there was a problem exporting the inventory. Sending it just through a google excel chart instead.

    April – Total hours (50 hours)
    April 3rd – Done with inventory and Assigning illustrator recreating logo work

    April 4th – April 30rd: video Editing, Working on site architecture production, Large Scale Project, and a portfolio.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by Shaneno.


    April – total hours(53 hours)
    June – Total Hours (35 hours)
    Working on inventory, With makine QR code of each one. App problems, needed fixing. Along with Chrome trouble. Problems were solved and work was finished.



    ~internship over~

    Internship had to be stop due too special circumstances

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