ENG1101 Eng Comp, SP2019
![ENG1101 Eng Comp, SP2019](https://openlab.citytech.cuny.edu/wp-content/uploads/group-avatars/23432/5c5a100f5d693-bpfull.jpg)
This is a course in effective essay writing and basic research techniques, including use of the library. Demanding readings are assigned for classroom discussion and as a basis for essay writing.
Prerequisites: CUNY certification in reading and writing.
Taken together, the courses (ENG1101 and ENG1121) in the First-Year Writing Program at the New York City College of Technology seek to develop student competencies in five general categories: rhetorical knowledge; writing and reading processes; critical thinking, reading, writing, and research; composing in manual and digital environments; and knowledge of academic conventions. Individual faculty incorporate these competencies into their courses in different ways, but all faculty are able to demonstrate how their courses attend to these matters. 4 hours, 3 credits