ENG 1121 English Composition II OL 44 (30314)

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  • Reaction to Atonement movie
  • #91849

    Prof. Masiello

    I think since you invested 2 hours into this film, it is worth discussing.

    First, most students say Lola was raped. Actually, it was consensual sex with the man, but due to her age and the morals in British society back in the late 1930s, she was embarrassed and used Briony’s incorrect “details” as an out to preserve her reputation, Sadly, Robbie was then victimized, wrongly accused, and due to his lower economic status, as a servant’s son, he was easily thought to be guilty.

    Q: What did you think about this film? (It most likely was one you had never seen before.)

    Q: Did you understand what was going on? The POV of young Briony was shown a few times in contrast with the actual events. In other words, the camera shows what she thinks happened, and the camera also shows what really happened.

    Q: Do you think she deliberately lied or that she really misunderstood? Don’t forget: she is young and naive.

    Q: There is no way, unless you had read the source novel, that you could have guessed the ending. Did it surprise you?

    Please answer and I hope you enjoyed this quality movie.

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