ENG 1121 D490 Spring 2020

active 2 years, 5 months ago
ENG 1121 D490 Spring 2020
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
ENG 1121
Semester / Year
Spring 2020
Course Description

English 1121 is a course in composition, reading skills, and core critical thinking skills. The class will explore many genres, discourses, and multimedia to explore many ideas and readings.


This course was created by: Aaron Barlow

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Recent Posts

Thank You--And a Word About the Future

Thanks to all of you. Like you, I wish we could have had a course without the wrenching change […] See MoreThank You--And a Word About the Future

Professor Barlow's Time of Coronavirus Journal, Part XII

I’ve spent the last few days reading and grading the papers students have been turning in, p […] See MoreProfessor Barlow's Time of Coronavirus Journal, Part XII

5/4: Final Assignment, the Portfolio

The end is in sight! Now that you have written your journal and three papers, you need to put […] See More5/4: Final Assignment, the Portfolio

Recent Comments

Comment on "Thank You–And a Word About the Future"

It looks that way right now. Of course, I don't know what may be decided, but I suspect we will […] See MoreComment on "Thank You–And a Word About the Future"

Comment on "Thank You–And a Word About the Future"

Thank you prof. And also are we having fall classes online too? See MoreComment on "Thank You–And a Word About the Future"

Comment on "Thank You–And a Word About the Future"

The pleasure is mine. I am lucky to have all of you as my students. See MoreComment on "Thank You–And a Word About the Future"

Recent Discussions


so as of now we are just doing papers and reading articles online? this is awesome! See Moreclass

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