ENG 1101 English Composition I, section OL 0110

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  • Oct. 6 looking at words
  • #81700

    Prof. Masiello

    Recently, we briefly discussed peer pressure and that the phrase itself has a negative connotation.
    Many words have both a connotation and a denotation.
    The denotation is the dictionary definition. Think D for dictionary, D for denotation.
    The connotation is what we bring to the usage of a word as a society. When someone says “a nurse,” do you immediately think of a woman?
    Many words can have a negative connotation or a positive one. Some words and phrases sound better, more positive than others.
    For example, it is more polite to say “former president” than “ex-president.” They mean the same, but the latter is more polite.
    What about everyday words that are innocent but could be offensive to some?
    Think of “old” and “fat.”

    Many “old” things grow in value, but do we call them old or something less negative?

    Think of valuable wine, baseball cards, comic books, cars, jewelry. What words do we use to indicate
    their value?

    A) What words are more polite for them? List as many as you can. Some may find even your replacement terms offensive. If you are an advertiser trying to sell things to such people, what words can you use for your target consumers?

    B) Think of some words and phrases that have two ways of being expressed, one that is harsh, the other that is mild. Please list as many as you can.

    C) What about current phrases used in the news regularly?
    What do these mean and is the meaning negative or positive:
    politically correct
    cancel culture

    D) Some words or phrases have changed their meaning or lost favor over time.

    What did these terms used to mean?
    What do they mean now?
    What newer words that have replaced them?


    E) Do you think these words are offensive and if so why?


    What more contemporary words or phrases for these words are preferable?

    Just a couple of years ago English teachers would try hard to have students be careful about using “they” or “their” to refer to individuals because those words grammatically mean plural. Thus, to say someone left their books in the room sounded lazy and the old-style way of giving priority to the male when in doubt was sometimes replaced by the awkward his or her.

    F) How do you feel about your own pronouns now that colleges and workplaces will ask what you want to be called? Most men prefer “he” and most women prefer “she,” but maybe you prefer “they .” What is your preference and why do you feel that way?

    G) Can you think of actual words—not brand names, not slang—that are commonly used nowadays that may not have existed when you were young children? Maybe these are things you can purchase at Best Buy.

    Probably most of them come from the areas of science and technology. How many can you list?

    H) Can you think of current words and phrases that you use with your peers that you wouldn’t expect your parents and teachers to use?

    Please list some.


    Elin Louz

    A: aged, ancient, elderly, senior, grown up. chunky, plump, heavier
    B: dumb – uneducated, ugly – unattractive, poor – unfortunate

    Dumb can mean silent, unable tospeak, so when we say “dumb animals” we mean that they cannot speak, not that they are stupid. Is that waht you meant?
    C: woke- being aware of what’s going on in the world today, this is considered something positive
    Politically correct: well, this depends on how you define it, although its meaning is in the name of being correct in your own political beliefs, this is considered positive

    For these two above, woke can have a negative connotation if people do not agree with the changes, like many people feel to not use
    mother,” “father,” “sister,” “brother” are wrong because they assign gender to these. Woke people may prefer “parent” and “sibling” since they do not express gender. The average person feels this is too extreme, don’t you think?

    Cancel culture: a mass canceling of someone who has done something that is not socially correct, this is something I can consider negative and positive at times where someone who has done something that is truly offensive it is understandable although there are some instances where people are being unreasonable about cancelling others.
    Foodie: someone who enjoys eating and trying new foods, I don’t see how this can be an negative concept to me it’s a intriguing.
    Influencer: a social media presence who has influence on their followers, I think this is positive I sometimes pick up on some tips and tricks from influencers.
    Pro- life: the belief that women have the choice of doing what they want with their own bodies , I believe this is a positive

    Incorrect: pro-life = anti-abortion. You are for unborn babies living.

    Pro-choice: the belief that a women does not have the freedom or choice of keeping or aborting the child , I think this is completely a negative concept I don’t think anyone especially not the government should be deciding what women should be doing with her body. Having a child is not just an easy consequence this a something that shouldn’t be forced onto people.

    Incorrect: Pro-choice is the freedom to chhose to have a baby or to abort the baby.

    Conservative: this is the more traditional belief system; I personally think it is a positive belief but I have my owns beliefs in some aspects
    Liberal: the new liberating belief system more of a woke culture , I think this is a positive belief as well I think everyone has a right to their owns beliefs and should be able to express themselves accordingly.
    Progressive; a new and evolving way of beliefs , I think this positive in some aspects that need changing and negative in other aspects .

    Progressive is actually a more positive sounding version of liberal.
    Trans: a person who does not identify with their birth gender , I believe this is a positive concept.
    Goat: it stands for “greatest of all time” this can be sued for a celebrity , a food a place almost anything really. this is a positive term it wouldbe a compliment to be named this.
    Romcom: this Is a romantic comedy usually a genre in movies and or books , this is a positive concept I personally lie the genre .
    Gay: it depends how you look at it , the original definition is the meaning of being happy. Then it was changed to be a negative term something to make fun of but now I think it has went to its original definition to being a positive and happy term.
    Indian: relative to people who originate from India. Yes but for centuries we used Indian wrongly to mean Native Americans.

    Miss – is used to address an unmarried woman , I feel it is still used in that way
    Colored – a person of color who is not white Yes, but that word is so old-fashioned nowadays. Educated people do not use it.
    I don’t find any of the terms offensive other than the word retarded I feel it is a derogatory term.
    F: I identify has her/she , I was born aa female and I still identify as a female
    G : Iphones, camera drones , a wireless vacuum , Dyson air hair wrap

    H: slay, baddie , subs , wack , bro , hot Af

    Okay. Mostly good answers, Elin.


    Tiffany O

    A.) Mature, aged, antique, and venerable.
    Tiffany, yes, but antigue is for furniture not people, of course.
    B.) Unfortunate, literate,

    C.) Woke: This term means that an individual is aware of things going on in the world and around them. They do not turn a blind eye to it. This term is positive but I feel some can use it negatively.

    Politically correct: I think this means despite race or sex one can have their own political opinion and be correct. This term is positive.

    Actually it means to not offend anyone else and is that way regardless of someone’s race or gender.

    Cancel culture: This term refers to a movement online in which people partake when a person does something offensive or something people don’t like. The people who feel offended proceed to bash and call out the person and kind of shun them from society. In some cases, people lose their jobs. I think this term is a negative term.


    Foodie: This term refers to a person who loves to try new foods and explore different tastes. This term is positive.

    Influencer: This term refers to people with a social spotlight. They post things or do things to influence others in the world. I think this term is positive but can be used negatively.

    Pro-life: This term refers to people being opposed to women being able to make their own choices when regarding their bodies. I think this term is negative.

    Think of how morepleasantthe term is compared to “anti-abortion,” which it means.

    Pro-choice: This term refers to women being able to make choices regarding their bodies without consequence. I think this term is positive.
    Yes. Also, imagine if one said “pro-abortion,” which it means. It would sound so negative that way.
    Conservative: This term refers to a political party or person that is opposed to change and outside ideas. One who wants to maintain traditional ways. I’m not sure about this term, when I hear people talk about it, they talk about it negatively. So I think this term is negative but I’m not really sure. It depends on whether someone is or isn’t conservative!

    Liberal: This term refers to a political party or person who allows outside ideas and they are not strict. They respect other beliefs and opinions. I think this term is positive. Yes, but liberals do not accept conservative opinions, and vice versa.

    Progressive: This term refers to the act of moving forward developing something, ideas, movements, etc. This term is positive.

    It is a synonym of liberal.

    Trans: This term refers to individuals who have transitioned from one gender to the other. I think this term is positive.

    Goat: If we are not referencing to the animal, this term refers to a person who is seen as a legend. A person who people look up to and are proud of. A person who has proven themselves. This term is positive.

    It is an acronym for Greatest Of All Time.

    Romcom: This term refers to a movie genre. Movies like The Wedding Planner and My Big Fat Greek Wedding are considered romantic comedies. This term is positive.

    D.) Gay: I believe gay used to be used as a term for happy. Now it is used to describe people who like the same sex. People also use it now to troll or trash-talk people.

    But nowadays to call someone “gay” is not as negative sounding as it was let’s say 20 years ago. Also, many colleges have a “queer studies” department. Queer used to be very negative sounding, but not any more.

    Indian: This was used to describe the race of people. I think it is still used to describe people’s race. I’m not really sure. Older: Native Americans and people from India.
    Newer: only those from India.

    Miss: This term is used to address a woman you don’t know. Or used to call a woman who is not married. This term is used the same way today. Well, unless it is a little girl or an aging actress, the newer term “Ms.” is preferred.

    E.) gyp: I think this term is offensive as it is used to describe cheats and swindlers.

    Offensive since it is derived from”gypsies.”

    Stewardess: This term is used to describe employees on a plane. It is still used today. I don’t think it is disrespectful.

    But it is too gender specific for woke people, so we are supposed to say “fight attendant” instead.

    Waiter: This term is used to describe a person at a restaurant who serves food and drinks. It is still used today and I don’t think it is disrespectful.

    But it is too gender specific for woke people, so we are supposed to say “server” instead.

    Actress: This term is used to describe a female actor. This term is still used today and I don’t think it is disrespectful.

    Retarded: This term was used to describe mentally disabled people. This term isn’t as sued today because it is considered rude. I think it is rude to refer to people using that word.

    F.) I identify as a female so my pronouns are “she” or “her” I don’t really have a preference. I don’t mind being called they. I also never really put much thought into pronouns until I got to my senior year of high school.

    G.) I can think of a couple of things like wireless items or solar power things. A lot of new technology that I hadn’t heard of when I was growing up in the early 2000s.

    H.) “It’s the_for me” “oop” “jit” “wassup” “bruh” “nah” “OD” “opp” “munch” “feen”

    Okay. Interesting answers.


    Manahill Arshad

    A. Amazing, Fix, Save, Simple, Exclusive, Money-back.
    B. Electoral, Juror, Gala, Mature.
    C. Woke – Means that they have been awakened by someone. It can be negative and positive.

    No, Manahill. Please see the answers above.
    Politically correct – That they are extremely careful not to offend or upset any group of people in society who have a disadvantage, or who have been treated differently because of their sex, race, or disability.

    Cancel Culture – To not accept someone’s culture and belief. More belief than culture. It is a way of “disgracing” someone, making him or her insignificant.
    Foodie – Someone who loves to eat a lot of food.
    Influencer – Someone that can bring change in the society by their ideas and thoughts.
    Pro-life – Someone who is against abortion.
    Pro-Choice – Someone who believes that abortion should be a choice for someone.
    Conservative – Someone who is really quiet and shy. Yes, but mostly this word is used for one’s political persuasion.
    Liberal – willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own, open to new ideas. That sounds nicer than it is. Liberals dislike and reject conservatives’ beliefs , and vice versa.
    Progressive – Someone who makes a good change in their work. It is commonly used as a synonym for “liberal.”
    Trans – referring or relating to people whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.
    Goat – a hardy domesticated ruminant animal that has backward curving horns and a beard. It is kept for its milk and meat and is noted for its lively and frisky behavior. It also is a common acronyn. Please look at responses above. Tom Brady and Venus Williams are called GOATs
    Romcom – A romantic and a comedy movie.
    D. Gay – Someone who is not their gender that is assigned to them at birth. Well, it is not actually a different biological gender, but a different same-sex preference.
    Indian – Someone who is born in India. See the replies above.
    Miss – It is used for a woman who is not married. See the replies above.
    Colored – A thing that is bright and full of multiple colors. See the replies above.
    E. Gyp – Cheat or swindle. See the replies above.
    Stewardess – A woman who is employed. No! You are saying any woman who works is a stewardess???
    Waiter – Someone who takes the order for a person for food. See the replies above.
    Actress – Someone who is in modeling. See the replies above. Models and actresses are different professions.
    Retarded – Les advance in mental and physical age. A highly offensive term to apply to someone.
    These words are just a way to put a label on someone by their gender.
    F. These words I feel like really tell us who we are as a person and how we can communicate with someone. Also, it tells us how we can put a label on someone by just seeing their profession.
    G. Phone, iPad, roller coaster. Phones and roller coasters have been around for 100 years!
    H. B****, Slay, F***. The ones you censored are not new.

    You are not up-to-date with many of the above terms, Manahill.



    A) Mature, aged, senior, venerable, elderly
    B) unfortunate, unattractive, literate, uneducated

    Haider, literate is good. Did you mean “illiterate”?
    C) woke: being aware of what’s going on in the world today, this is considered something positive
    Politically correct: this means despite race or sex one can have their own political opinion and be correct. This term is positive.
    Cancel culture: a mass canceling of someone who has done something that is not socially correct, this is something I can consider negative and positive at times where someone who has done something that is truly offensive it is understandable although there are some instances where people are being unreasonable about cancelling others.
Foodie: someone who enjoys eating and trying new foods, I don’t see how this can be an negative concept to me it’s a intriguing.
Influencer: a social media presence who has influence on their followers, I think this is positive I sometimes pick up on some tips and tricks from influencers.
Pro- life: the belief that women have the choice of doing what they want with their own bodies , this is a positive
Pro-choice: the belief that a women does not have the freedom or choice of keeping or aborting the child , this is a negative concept

    Incorrect: you have those terms backwards. See replies above.

    Conservative: this is the more traditional belief system; I think it is a positive belief but I have my owns beliefs in some aspects
Liberal: the new liberating belief system more of a woke culture , I think this is a positive belief as well I think everyone has a right to their owns beliefs and should be able to express themselves accordingly.
Progressive; a new and evolving way of beliefs , I think this positive in some aspects that need changing and negative in other aspects .
Trans: a person who does not identify with their birth gender , I believe this is a positive concept.
Goat: it stands for “greatest of all time” this can be sued for a celebrity , a food a place almost anything really. this is a positive term it wouldbe a compliment to be named this.
Romcom: this Is a romantic comedy usually a genre in movies and or books , this is positive
    D) Gay: it depends on how you look at it, the original definition is about being happy. Then it was changed to be a negative term something to make fun of but now I think it has gone to its original definition to being a positive and happy term.

    No. People do not say they feel gay when they are happy–not for ther past 70 years! Gay means preferring one’s same sex and is usually applied to men. The female version is “lesbian.”
    Indian: relative to people who originate from India
    Miss – is used to address an unmarried woman , I feel it is still used in that way

    See the replies above.
    Colored – a person of color who is not white Yes, but See the replies above.
    I find none of the terms offensive, except for the word retarded, which I think is pejorative.
    I identify as a male my pronouns are he/him
    G. Phone, iPad, roller coaster. Phone ? See the replies above.
    E) Bruh, – ain’t you Nathaniel B,goofy goofy? See the replies above.

    Mixed results.



    A) Elders, plus size, fluffy, husky, unique, special, different

    B) Ungifted, uneducated, slow, useless and unworthy
    Viviana, the last two are harsh!

    Woke means that you kept up with everything currently happening around the world, especially with things around us. So though we are aware it can be negative or positive.

    Politically correct- This is based on others opinions and beliefs, so depending on the topic this can be positive or negative.

    Esssentially it refers to saying things that cannot offend anyone whatsoever.

    Cancel culture- when you express something that *you may not approve of, this can lead to problems that can easily

    escalate *Reword, please.

    Foodie- When a person is more open to trying new foods, this allows them to tap into the different cultures of others which is a positive

    Influencer- Influencers have a huge impact on the society nowadays, where they can spread positivity and encourage others to do the same. Unfortunately, no matter how much positivity they try to spread, there will be always people to bring it down. Therefore this can be tried to be more to the positive path but will have some negative to it as well.

    Pro-life -This is when people oppose abortion and are more concerned for the life inside the women’s belly than the woman *itself. This is a negative meaning *herself

    Pro-choice – When everyone has the human right to make a decision if they want to have children whether it was an unplanned pregnancy or depending on the situation. This is a positive meaning

    Conservative- This is more based on religious beliefs. A way to represent oneself on the outside, this can be positive or negative depending on the situation It is usedin the polical context.

    Liberal- more freedom that is given to us to speak our beliefs and given the opportunity to express ourselves correctly. This is a positive because, without the use in our voices, there would not be changed

    Trans- This refers to individuals who have transformed from one gender to another. I believe this is a negative since the idea of trans confuses many children and questions who they are when they are too young to understand themselves.

    Goat- This can be referred to as the literal animal, or can be referred to someone who others look up to and get inspired. EX: Kobe Bryant. This is a positive term. Good

    Romcom- This is more related to more of a movie genre, romantic comedy. This is a positive since comedy makes people laugh and makes others happy.

    Gay- I understood the meaning of gay as rainbows, flowers and ponies. Now it is used as someone who likes the same sex. Now others replace it more in a insulting way to hurt others. Well, your first sentence is surprising since”gay” has not meant happy for many decades and you are younger than the old “happy” meaning.
    Indian- To identify and point out those who originated from india

    Miss- This used to be referred to women who are not married and now it used for professional women out of respect.
    No, Ms. is the respectful one. Some womentake offense at “Miss” since there is nomale equivalent.

    Colored- This means the opposite of white people which is black people. This used to mean more in an offensive way due to segregation. Now it’s a way to describe others to get a clear vision of one person. No. “Colored” was acceptableinthe 1950s but is now considered very old-fashioned. There is still an organization called the NAACP. The C is for colored. Now we say “people of color.”

    Gyp- this is offensive because this is more to cheat others into spending their money or it can be used to cheat on others when your in a relationship Offensive to gypsies since it inplies that you are acting like a gypsy by robbing.

    Stewardess- A woman is employed to provide meals to the floor and look after people in a ship or airplane, this is not offensive because this is a job Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies.
    Waiter- this is not an offensive term because a waiter is a job, where they serve others in restaurant and provide good service. Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies. Too gender specific.

    Actress- someone who is acting in a movie, tv or show. This is not offensive this is a job that can make a lot of money Yes, yet some woke people prefer to use “actor” for male or female actors.

    Retarded- this is offensive because this is am actual illness but others use this as an insult

    F) I prefer to call a man a he and a woman a she based of their appearance and how they act. However if they inform me that they dont go by those pronouns, and approach it respectfully I will respect it.

    G) A DS, DVD player, MP3 player

    H) goat, bro, gang, valid, Wallin, buggin, smoochie, word2.

    Pretty good answers.


    Tahreem Imran

    A:- Elderly, aged, senior, mature

    B:- uneducated, unattractive, ugly, dumb, unfortunate.
    Tahreem, someof thes eare offensive sounding!

    C:-woke- being aware of what’s going on. (Positive)

    politically correct- conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated.
    cancel culture- a method of withdrawing support for public figures or companies. (Negative)
foodie- a person with a particular interest in food; a gourmet.
    influencer- a person or thing that influences another.
    pro-life- opposing abortion and euthanasia.
(Positive) It is not used for euthenasia.
    pro-choice- advocating legalized abortion.
    conservative- averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values. (Negative)
liberal- willing to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own; open to new ideas.
 (Positive) Except for intolerance for conservative ideas!
    progressive- a person advocating or implementing social reform or new, liberal ideas.
    trans- denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.
(Positive)goat- it stands for “greatest of all time”. Could refer to celebrities, singers, and politicians. (Positive)
romcom- romantic comedy (positive)

    D:- gay:- The term originally meant ‘carefree’. Now it means a homosexual person (typically referring to a man). Lesbian could be a word that replaces it. good
Indian:- The term “Indian,” in reference to the original inhabitants of the American continent. Now It is used to refer to legally defined identities set out in the Indian Act, such as Indian Status. Native Americans could be a replaced word for it. and people from India.
Miss:- used to address an unmarried woman and it’s still the same. You could say single instead. 
 Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies.
    colored:- is a racial descriptor historically used in the United States. I think it means the same thing now too. A word that can replace it is “nonwhite”. Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies.

    E:-gyp:- it’s offensive because when someone gypped it means they’re cheated Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies..
stewardess:- No, it’s not offensive. 
waiter:- No, it’s not offensive. 
actress:- No, it’s not offensive.Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies. 
retarded:- it’s offensive because it can hurt others.
    F:- My pronounces are her,hers and my preference is “she”.
    G:- solar panels, iPhones, Mac, AirPods, drones, wireless chargers.
    H:- Yo, buddy, bro, bruh, wassup, word, ode, nah.

    Good answers.


    Shane Osbourne

    1A) Old: aged, elderly, senior citizen, Mature, seasoned.
    1B) Fat: overweight, Thick, chubby.

    B) Broke-hustling, unfortunate, unlucky,

    C) Woke- being aware or having an open mind about the public norms and seeing the true meaning behind things. “Positive”

    Politically correct- having an answer or response that pleases the general media and/or fits the political eyes. “Negative” Actually the above two are synonymous, Shane.

    Cancel Culture- people who sit on the internet looking for people who have a different opinion than them or have done something generally wrong to then try to get someone’s account banned or ruin their life by holding them accountable. “Negative”

    Foodie- someone who likes to eat a lot and try different foods. “Positive”

    Influencers- people with a huge following making a social media impact to inspire others to do what they do. “Positive”

    Pro-life- people who don’t support abortion/women’s body choices. “Negative”

    Pro-choice- people who do support abortions/women’s body choices. “Positive”

    Well, both of the above are less offensive ways of saying the harsher sounding “anti-abortion” and “pro-abortion” since “abortion” is such a negative sounding word.

    Conservative- People who stick to the traditional ways, things that were set from back in the day. “Negative”

    Liberal- People who don’t stick to the traditional way try to explore new and better political standpoints. “Positive”

    Progressive- people who improve within themselves or their outside life over time. “Positive”

    Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies.

    Trans- people who switch their gender to fit what they believe they view themselves as, male or female. “Positive”

    Goat- G.O.A.T (Greatest Of All Time) meaning the greatest person do to specific things “Positive”

    Romcom- romantic comedy “Positive”

    D1) Gay- this word used to mean “happy” back then but nowadays it’s used to symbolize the sexuality of liking the same sex gender.
    D2) Indian- this word used to mean Native American but nowadays it just means that you are from India
    D3) Miss- this word used to be used o addressed women that were older and used as a term of respect and it still means the same thing nowadays. Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies.
    D4) colored- this word used to be used as a racist term against people of color during segregation time so separated the whites from the “colored”. this term is still for the same purpose but is not being used against people of color but just a category. Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies.

    E1) gyp- the word “gyp” isn’t offensive but the act of typing someone is offensive.Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies.
    E2) stewardess- this word isn’t offensive because it is referring to the occupation of the women job that’s been used during the 2000sPlease see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies.
    E3 ) waiter- this word could be offensive because it’s a gender-neutral term but there are other words like ” waitresses” that refers to women. Please see the answers at the top of this thread of other people’s replies. Gender neutrality seems to be the language goal.
    E4) Actress- this word could be offensive because it’s a gender-neutral term but there are other words like ” actresses” that refers to women. You mean it differently: actress is gender specific; actor is gender neutral (traditionally used for male actors).
    E5) retarded- This is a very offensive word for people who are mentally, physically, and socially undeveloped, and when the word is being used it throws shots at these kinds of people in the world.

    F) I identify with the pronoun he/him but I don’t care for the pronoun things when it comes to me just refer to me as you physically see me.

    G) iPhones, Xbox/PlayStations, AirPods,

    H) “you thought I was feeling you”,” you thought you ate?”, “Aiii”, Goofy, OD, Opp, Wildin, Bro, lackin, Dummy, Feen, Munch, “Oh Nahh” N****.

    Good answers.



    A.) Matured, Elder, Historic.
    B.) dumb = uncommunicative , rude = ill-mannered
    C.) Woke – The media uses this word as another way of saying to stay “alert” or “aware”. (positive)
    Politically correct – I think it means to be cautious of the way you speak and using better terms to address the sex and race of an individual. (positive)
    Cancel culture – The cancel culture is a very toxic way of shunning a person from future opportunities based on people feeling a way about that individual’s words or actions most commonly celebrities. (NEGATIVE)
    Foodie – A person that’s open to trying new foods and treats. (positive)
    Influencer – A person that uses their platform to help small creators feel more passionate about going into a career that’s most commonly about entrepreneurship and helping the small creators about giving them advice about putting themselves out there and becoming more open. (positive)
    Pro-life – Individuals that feel like abortions are wrong /against it and personally wouldn’t get an abortion. Most of the pro-lifers in this generation are very toxic and went as far as pushing the movement of banning abortions in some states. There are pro-lifers that believe what they believe but respect others decisions but I’m still gonna say it’s negative.
    Pro-choice – Individuals that aren’t against abortions and believe that everyone deserves the right to do whatever with their body. You never know how a person ended up pregnant and if they’re not fit to become a parent at the moment or at all then they are entitled to an abortion.
    Conservative – A person that has a political belief that supports traditions towards society. (negative)
    Liberal – A person that’s respectful and mature about other’s opinions different from their own. (positive)
    Progressive – A person that advocates and implements social reform and liberal ideas. (positive)
    Trans – A trans also known as Transgender is a person that was born one gender and changes to the opposite gender, whether its surgically, changing their pronouns or synonyms. (positive)
    Goat – The terms goat is an abbreviation for “Greatest of all time” it is used towards an icon that a person favors based on their actions, songs, how to play a certain sport. It differentiates. (positive)
    Romcom – A romcom is basically a collaboration of the genres comedy and romance to create a enjoyable film. (positive)
    D.) Gay – The word gay was used in the past to title someone that is attracted or dated the same gender as themselves. It was used negatively in the past to basically call the individual out on their frowned upon actions. Now the word gay fits into the LGBTQ+ group and could mean that a person is happy and opened to expressing their sexuality. Words that kind of replaced Gay is “homosexual” , mostly used by people that aren’t comfortable of being labeled gay.
    Indian – The term Indian now is used when a person states their nationality. But in the past it was used against Native Americans by (colonizers) who didn’t know themselves where Native Americans originated from. There aren’t really new words for Native Americans. Native Americans and Indians can fall into the same group but people now have an understanding that they’re aren’t the same thing.
    Miss- Miss was used in the past to address an unknown woman, you yourself weren’t familiar with. Now you can address a woman by “Ma’am” or just addressing them without a title.
    Colored – Colored was a term that started to become of use around the early 1900’s. For years it was used to title African Americans by White people that wanted to separate themselves and make them feel less of themselves. Now the Black community are proud to call themselves Black and African American with no issue.
    E.) Gyp – I don’t think this is offensive. But there’s no point in using it.
    Stewardess – I feel like this word is pointless as well and I could see why someone would take offense to it. The person applied for the job to become a flight attendant and that’s what they should be addressed as.
    Waiter – No I do not think the word waiter is offensive. If you work at a restaurant by taking orders and delivering food and drinks then you are a waiter. People have been degrading waiters for years and that’s probably individuals don’t want to be labeled as waiters.
    Actress – No I don’t think the word actress is offensive. If you are a female that acts then you are an actress.
    Retarded – The word retarded has been over the years to insult someone’s intelligence in a comedic way. But now people have been attaching it to people with disabilities. That’s when using the word becomes an issue because it’s wrong to label someone that had no control over how they ended up.
    F.) I identify as she/her because I was born a female and I’m happy being a female so I would like to be addressed with the standard female pronouns. I’m not bothered at all being asked what I would like to be addressed as. I feel like it’s the best way be respectful and to not mistakingly label someone.
    G.) Mac Pc computers, Kindle fires, Ipods
    H.) “Pur”, “Bro”, “Jackin”, “Wildin”


    Isaiha Ryan Rivera

    1) Old – Antique, Aged, Elderly
    Fat – Chubby, Plump, Hefty, Solid, Pot Bellied

    2) Informal // Relaxed
    Violent // Powerful
    Vigorous // Strong
    Emotional // Strong
    Pushful // Assertive
    Dork // Geek
    Gang // Assembly
    Protester // Activist, Campaigner

    3) Woke – aware of considered to be sensitive to and aware of racial or social discrimination or injustice that they themselves aren’t experiencing. Not always the case.
    + if unironically Negative / Positive

    Politically correct – exhibiting political correctness
    + Positive

    Cancel Culture – a social enviorment in which publicly boycotting or withdrawing support for people, organization, etc, Regarded promoting socially unacceptable beliefs is widespread practice.
    + Naturally Negative, although with righteous means, as it brings decline

    Foodie – a person with a particular interest in food, a gourmet \
    + Positive

    Influencer – a person or thing that influences another
    + Positive, although activities or moralities vary, it brings an incline among populations

    Pro Life – opposing abortion and euthanasia
    + Positive, we can see their point
    Negative, medical conditions and procedures can be interfered with by legislations, and arguments on the topics that can stop a medical professional from continuing doing their jobs properly in fear of illegalized abortion. Forcing female mothers to use other means that usually isn’t safe.

    Pro Choice – advocating legalized abortion
    + Positive, it’s the woman’s choice as it’s her body. With many cited discussions from her partner (helped conceived), or family.
    As sex crimes, health issues, environments can definitely affect the choice as they are variables.

    Conservative – adverse to change or innovation and holding traditional values

    Liberal – wiling to respect or accept behavior or opinions different from one’s own open to new ideas
    + Positive

    Progressive – happening or developing gradually or in stages proceeding step by step
    + Positive

    Trans-, — referring or relating to people whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex
    + Negative, as it causes irreversible damage to reproductive and causes infertility, young children affecting their developing bodies,
    Positive, in some causes adults to go through gender therapy, and physically feels discomfort.

    Goat – greatest of all time
    + Positive, naturally

    Rom Com – (in movies or television) a romantic comedy, deals with love in a light, humorous play
    + Positive, naturally
    Negative, hasn’t happened to me. ( holds boom box towards sleeping cat )

    3) Gay – (of a person) homosexual (used especially for men)
    homophile, fruity, zesty

    Indian – relating to India or its people, customs and languages
    Indian, Indio, Bharity, Hindustani

    4) Gyp – cheat or swindle (someone)
    Thrives from the word ” gypsy” in America however through similar money loving traits we define a gyp
    as an individual who cons another.

    Stewardess – a woman who is employed to provide meals for and otherwise look after the passengers on a ship or aircraft.
    This is typically just a term that adds glamour upon the title of profession. however, those who take their job seriously wouldn’t prefer the old-fashioned name type. If we do end up remembering it in the first place.

    Actress – a woman whose profession is acting on the stage, in movies or on television.
    I don’t feel it derogatory, without relating it with sexism, it’s just a reference to woman actors.
    It’s depending on the eye of the beholder, respectively

    5) Personally, I feel as it’s annoying as these as these institutions have to worry about using proper pronouns for individuals and trying to de-escalation situations for “preferred terms”. Gender Fluid is not on par with biological assignment, the government didn’t give you sex nature did. Focus on engaging students on new ideas, how they affect society through health, innovation and rehabilitation. The topic is its own war, that isn’t necessary and distracting. A need of a new discussion on how someone prefers to be called any given day isn’t my ouroboros that I want to take on.

    6) Bluetooth Speakers, High Definition Television / Proper Cable, Electronic Skateboards, Electronic Transactions

    7) Word 2 Mommy, Yes Chief, You tryna Lit It, It’s Giving, Simp, Served

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