ENG 1101 Eng­lish Com­po­si­tion I, sec­tion OL 0110

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  • 10/17 pt. II create a simple quote
  • #79507

    Prof. Masiello

    After you read the ma­te­r­ial from pt. I, please do the fol­low­ing today and post your re­sult.

    I came across a rather un­ex­cep­tional ar­ti­cle and am pro­vid­ing it to you for you to cre­ate a quote from. You do not have to read this ar­ti­cle, called “Why Movies Will Never Re­place Books.” (see Files)

    The au­thor’s name is pro­vided. I would like you to cre­ate a quote out of the yel­low high­lighted sen­tence only. Since the ar­ti­cle has no page num­ber, you have to use the writer’s last name in the ref­er­ence, the par­en­thet­i­cal part. That means you have to omit his name from the tag, but you need the tag, the sig­nal phrase to in­tro­duce the quote.

    Based on the doc­u­ment I posted ear­lier today, just make one quote using the first style–the tag be­fore the quote, fol­lowed by the ref­er­ence. PLEASE DO THIS NOW AND POST THE RE­SULT.

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