ENG 1101 CP15 22550 fall 2023

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  • Day 3 Homework
  • #88322


    WRITE: (250 Words) So far in this unit, we have read (and heard) three examples from the of the “education narrative.”  Your first essay assignment in this class will be to write in this genre yourself.  So in this discussion forum, I’d like us to have a conversation about what the features of this genre are. Please discuss some of the following:

    What, from what you’ve seen so far, are the “ingredients” (also known as “conventions”) of the education narrative genre?

    What do you think might be a place to get started with your own education narrative?

    What are your questions or concerns about writing an education narrative of your own?

    If you like, you can also feel free to share an educational experience you had and ask for feedback from your colleagues (and me) to see if we think that might be a solid place to begin writing.

    • This topic was modified 10 months ago by maddyylutz.
    • This topic was modified 10 months ago by maddyylutz.
    • This topic was modified 10 months ago by maddyylutz.

    Chanel T.

    The syllabus basically gives a general overview of what the class is going to be like and the expectations given too. We are expected to read, comprehend, and write about it. It also gives us resources that we are able to use if we are ever in a situation where we need help for example, the writing center helps us if we are struggling with writing. It gives us the class rules as well as the school policy rules in case we don’t know about them. It tells us the possible outcomes of what taking the class will do. There is also a schedule of the lessons we’re going to be covering. It also shows where assignments and the course work is going to be. Overall the syllabus gives a general understanding of the whole class.



    Education narrative genre focuses more on story telling hence the word narrative which is a story of event or events and the education part comes into the main focal point of these narratives.The conventions of the education narrative genre i’ve seen so far is short tales, autobiographies, comics, and novels.The place to get started with my own education narrative would be google doc to write ,and my memories of a significant school story that happened and journal to look back at my school days.The questions i have about writing my education narrative are : Do i have to state anything from early education? Or does it matter? What theme do I have to stick to? How do I get started on an education narrative?. An educational experience I had in school is my history teacher teaching me how to write essays and spreading out the format and making me understand led to my comprehension of essays and what teachers expect even more. Her guidance helped me in many ways, especially since I could relate to her on other levels than just her teaching. She was also a black woman so most of the things she said I comprehended and understood on a personal and sentimental level.Overall my educational experience with my history teacher was really informative and passionate , I felt really connected with her and will forever be grateful.

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Saharra.
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Saharra.
    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Saharra.


    Every person has a unique perspective on education. Learning is a process that combines personal experiences and influences to acquire, enrich, or modify knowledge, skills, values, attitudes, behavior, and worldviews. In my opinion, the way we learn shapes our lives, and our knowledge, social skills, attitude, and behavior are based on our childhood education. One incident that changed my view on education was watching a video about the struggles African-Americans faced during racial segregation, particularly in schools. Schools serving students of color received significantly less funding than those serving white students, resulting in overcrowding, inadequate supplies, and underpaid teachers. This led to gaps in educational opportunities for Black and white communities, leaving many black students unable to read or write. As a black person myself, this made me realize how fortunate I am to have access to good education and how it can change my perspective on life. Education can help you discover your ambitions, values, and the kind of person you aspire to be. It can also make you more responsible and accountable for your actions by adopting a fresh outlook on things. People who struggle with reading and comprehension may never realize their full potential, which can have long-term negative effects on education, society, and the economy. This is why education is crucial, and I take school seriously because I know how racial discrimination has greatly impacted the education of black people. Since I have the opportunity to learn, I will take advantage of it and do my best.

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by nia.


    The syllabus is more or less a summary of what we will be doing throughout the duration of our classes. More importantly, it serves as a reminder that the homework and in class assignments is the greatest portion of the grading system due to the fact that the class is not focused on writing one specific paper, but rather writing, research, and communication skills as a whole. To add on to this, the major papers can even be revised during unit 4/final reflection to improve the grades received on them, which further highlights the writing skill over the subject that is being written about. There are also resources within the college to supplement growth as a student through both the College Writing Center and the Student Success Center. Provided from the syllabus is also when classes are and what is taught on those days, with this information it is safe to assume that there will be little to no excuse as to not getting work done on time or knowing what is happening on a specific class date. This means that if someone is to fall behind they can catch up on their own via the use of the syllabus, or advocate for themself by speaking with the professor directly and using the resources provided. Ultimately, one’s success in the class can only be determined by the effort they put into it, with the tools provided everyone should be able to pass as long as they are responsible enough to do work on time and ask for help when needed.

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by Esteven.


    ok (skull emoji)


    Brian Douglas

    The education narrative genre tells a story with the main focus and takeaway being about education. The convention of an education narrative from what I’ve seen is that the main character is put up against an issue. With this issue, the main character will either find a way to fix or resolve the problem or realize a harsh truth. A place in which I could get started with my own personal education narrative would be my experiences in middle school because, during those years, my mindset had developed the most. An educational experience I’ve had to go through would be during middle school when I had to work with someone who had betrayed my trust and disrespected me. I told my teacher what had happened between us in the past, and my teacher proceeded to tell me “You’re going to be forced to work with people you don’t like, that’s life. If I were in your shoes, I would do my best to show him up”. What my teacher taught me in that moment was that you going to be put in bad situations in life, and regardless of that fact, you can either falter or rise to the occasion.</span></p>

    • This reply was modified 9 months, 2 weeks ago by Brian Douglas.
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