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  • The sixth annual CUNY Math Challenge is now open for registration. Compete to Win Up to $2500
  • #13709

    Henry LaBoy

    We’re excited to announce the sixth annual CUNY Math Challenge, which launches on Monday, February 10 at 9 AM. This University-wide mathematics competition will identify and reward our most creative mathematical minds with cash prizes that range from $500 up to a grand prize of $2,500. The challenging mathematical problems and puzzles used in the contest have been developed by a committee of CUNY faculty. Also, for the first time, the committee has added a special “open problem” challenge, where students may attempt to solve a problem that has not yet been solved. Though a solution will not count toward points in the Challenge, the committee will help publish students’ solutions.

    This is a special opportunity on your campuses and among you as students. Please find attached the flyer about the contest, and suggested text below this message. Faculty and staff may post this in their departments and in other areas where students congregate and forward it to department listservs.

    We wish you students the best of luck!

    For more information, please visit http://math.cisdd.org.

    -The CUNY Math Challenge Team

    Are you a problem solver? Do you enjoy playing around with math–and are you up to the Challenge?

    Compete to Win up to $2,500!

    The sixth annual. This University-wide mathematics competition invites all matriculated undergraduate CUNY students to participate in this year’s contest. The contest opening round begins on Monday, February 10th. There will be three online rounds of interesting and challenging problems, ranging in difficulty from the “not easy” to the “pretty tough.” No knowledge of “advanced Mathematics” is needed. Participants will have two weeks per round to submit their answers, accumulating points along the way. Top performers after the three rounds will be invited to sit for a final in-person exam on Sunday, April 27, 2014. Approximately $15,000 in prize money will be awarded, with prizes ranging from $500 to $2,500.

    For more information and to register, please visit http://math.cisdd.org.

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