Elaine Guzman Polanco’s ePortfolio

Elaine Guzman Polanco's ePortfolio
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Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

My name is Elaine G. Polanco. I’m a full time student from New York City College of Technology. When I first started college I was undecided of what I wanted to be so I started doing Liberal Arts and Arts and I graduated with my associates. Now, I am sure of what I want to be and study which is hospitality management. I fell in love with this career because I have been working in the food industry for about three and a half years. I really enjoy what I do and I love to serve others too. My Academic goals are graduate with excellent grades and to do my best to improve myself everyday and get to know more and more about hospitality management in general. In order to reach these goals i must begin to follow the culinary arts a little more as i am already in the management aspect of hospitality. Moreover, my career goals are to start my own business and become a chef. I have a lot of passion when I do things, I always try to do my best in everything even in the little things and I’m a reliable person. Also, most of the time I try to go the extra mile because it will pay off in the end. it is difficult, but not impossible.

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This ePortfolio was created by: Elaine Guzman Polanco

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