Eduardo Sierra’s ePortfolio

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My determination and drive to be a chef all started with my 2011 visit to L’Ecole in lower Manhattan. L’Ecole is the restaurant in which students and teachers of the French Culinary Institute cook for customers. The French Culinary Institute is one of the most prestigious culinary academies in New York City and perhaps the world. While enjoying some roast duck breast with a side of fingerling potatoes drizzled with white truffle oil, the waitress asked me something I will never forget. The fair skinned brunette girl slowly strutted towards our table and said, “For a pretty young kid you have a sophisticated palate.” I quickly smiled and responded with, “Yeah I guess I do, I eventually want to be a chef.” She smiled and revealed her pearly white teeth that blinded me. She held her hand out and said, “would you like a tour of the kitchen?” I shot up out of my chair and saw the glorious kitchen of L’Ecole. The smell of the different array of foods was overwhelmingly amazing. I stood in the middle of that kitchen and told myself, “I never want to do anything else, but cook great food.” Now that I am in City Tech majoring in Hospitality Management I am only getting closer to my dream job and I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for me.
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