COMD 4900 In­tern­ship class

active 9 years, 8 months ago
COMD 4900 Internship class
This Project is OPEN.
School / Office
Technology & Design
Communication Design
Project Description

A Blog about my summer Internship


This project was created by: Greg Mitchell

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Entry 4

Since start­ing my po­si­tion here at Pro­ject Eco­nom­ics I am learn­ing a lot more about how en­ergy sup­ply works. Be­fore I would just re­ceive my power bill in the mail and just pay it, now I'm more in­formed and now I know what I'm pay­ing for ex­actly and See MoreEntry 4

Entry 3

The cul­ture of the work place here is very laid back. There is no strict start time, every­one shows up some­time be­tween 10:00 am and 11:00 am. There is no dress code so I usu­ally like to wear a col­lared shirt with some khaki shorts. Since it is See MoreEntry 3

Entry 2

My su­per­vi­sor at Pro­ject Eco­nom­ics is Eric who is also the CEO and founder of the com­pany. I re­ceived this job through the Brook­lyn Tech Tri­an­gle In­tern­ship Pro­gram. The BTTIP pro­gram is a pro­gram that helps get stu­dents who are ma­jor­ing in the See MoreEntry 2