CMCE 1110 Construction Drawings Spring 2020

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  • Dropbox
  • #58406

    Nicole Anderson

    Dear Class,
    I sent each of you a shared dropbox folder. Please join this shared folder, you will use it to upload your homework assignments for the remainder of the semester. I sent the invite to the email address cunyfirst has on record for you. Most are your city tech emails, but some only have their personal email addresses listed. Please check your email accounts and let me know if any issues, questions, or if you didn’t receive the invite.
    I hope you all are well, and stay healthy. Stay tuned for further updates regarding distance learning tools we will utilize going forward.
    All the best,
    Prof Anderson


    Rajpreet Singh

    Hi, How do we know the due dates and what do we do tomorrow because we were supposed to have class tomorrow,


    Nicole Anderson

    Hi Rajpreet,
    Due dates are listed on our course website/calendar. During class tomorrow we will discuss how to submit your hand drafting assignment given that our classes will now be fully online. I sent out an invite for our class tomorrow to join via blackboard collaborate/Webex. Please let me know if any issues accessing or you did not receive. The notice was sent via Blackboard.
    Let me know of any issues and we will work together to address them.
    Thank you for your patience during this shift to online learning.
    Prof Anderson


    Rajpreet Singh

    Okay so, tomorrow we are supposed to join the course room through the blackboard app??


    Rajpreet Singh

    at 8:00am?


    Kelvin Leon

    Blackboard keeps signing me out every time I log in. Any idea how I can fix this problem?

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