CARL HARRISON’s ePortfolio

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Name: Carl Harrison
Professor: Lina Romasanta
HMGT 1101
12, September 2013
Where do I Stand in Hospitality Management
Good day everyone, my name is Carl Harrison; I am from the beautiful island of Jamaica. I am presently enrolled at the New York City College of Technology; majoring in hospitality management. I chose to study in hospitality management, because of my vast experiences in this field. As well I see myself as a people person. I enjoy interacting with people, from any race or cultural back ground! In fact, from a tender age of nine; while growing up in rural Jamaica; my mother, whenever she is cooking; she would asked me to make my way into the kitchen; in fact, each time when she is about to preparing a meal. She would say to me, “whenever you grew up and chose your wife, if she cannot cook; then at least you would be able to cook for her!” She would walk me though each step of her cooking techniques; as well having me done some cleaning and seasoning of each meats.
Indeed, at age twelve, I started working in a restaurant; has a dish washer; after school, when I finished all my assignments each afternoon; then it would be time for me to head over to the Battiste restaurant. While working at the Battiste restaurant; I gained many experiences, as a dish washer; such as how to mixing the different types of detergents and chemicals. As well, I was taught which chemical or detergent is suitable to wash the different types of equipment. It was now time for me to gain, other valuable experiences, in other areas of the kitchen. One day the chief said to me, “come and cook alone me;” he said, “I will show you to roles to become a good chief, at some point of time in your life.” I absolutely took his advice he showed me how to cut and preparing the different types of meats; as well as vegetables, and how to cook them. He then asked me, what are my taught, of working beside him in the kitchen; I never hesitate I told him, it’s amazing. Indeed, I worked along with the head chef for a few months, while gaining the necessary cooking skills; while cooking, I was able to cook both local as international dishes. At the age of nineteen, I graduated from high school; I then took on a full time job at the Battiste restaurant as an assistant chef. Hence, I worked there for two more years, as an assistant chef.
However, I moved from rural Jamaica, into the city of Kingston; while living in Kingston, I started working at the Hilton Kingston, as a bartender in training. I was taught how to mix and make the different types of cocktails and drinks; as well the different types of wines and how to serve them. After my training, I went to work at one of their popular pool bar. I work there for 3 years as a bartender. Then I moved to the north of the island, which is more of a tourism location. I acquired a job at the Sandal Grande Ocho Rios hotel, as team leader in the dining room department; in fact, while working there as a dining room team leader, I gained critical experiences, of how to run and operated a dining room.
After migrating from the island of Jamaica, I went on to worked at the Panama City beach hotel, in Florida panhandle. While there I worked in various departments, such as being a food server, chef assistant, and a housekeeper. After successfully completing my degrees, in hospitality management; I would like to become a proud manager or supervisor, of one of the nation leading hotels. However, with my vast amount of experiences in this field, along with my degrees; I am sure that I will be able to attain my dream job, in the food and beverage department.
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