Capen Burbank’s ePortfolio

Capen Burbank's ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

As far as my academic experience goes I have graduated high school and have 2 years of college under my belt. Although in 2015-2016 I spent my first year in a kitchen and have found that to be a lot more hands on in terms of my academics and what I want to do in the future. I have never been very focused in my previous years of education, but I find the start of this year quite different because I’ve never been more interested in the topics I’m learning. I plan on having straight A’s this semester and working as hard as I need to get there.
My career experience isn’t anything special, but I do have a lot of passion and a borderline obsession with knowledge for the craft, mostly focused in pastry. It’s funny really because I’m a much bigger guy with ‘sausage’ fingers and I’m just so interested in the delicate and petite work in the kitchen. I was never originally interested in Pastry, I thought to myself that it wasn’t for me but one day my girlfriend suggested it for me and I basically blew off what she said. Then the thoughts about pastry were brewing in my head, and slowly as I began learning about the arts of pastry I have to say I fell in love with it. As far as my goals go for the Pastry world, I would first love to learn from the best of the best, work in patisseries, bakeries, and pastry kitchens, and get diverse knowledge and theories about cooking and crafting so I can come to my own theory. I want to then move my way up to working as a head pastry chef for a place that I believe serves great food. It could be a great bakery, hotel, or restaurant, but hopefully after gaining that experience I’d love to open my own specialty patisserie, but for now those are my goals.
I’d say my biggest personal strengths include a love for cooking, listening, determination, and physical ability to both lift heavy objects and stay on my feet for hours on end. I did not have all of these strengths before I started working in a kitchen. I learned how to take orders and how to physically and mentally push my body past its limits. I also find that I have been able to get along well with any group of people, which I have found to be a necessity while working in a kitchen.
My personal interests for now are very simple, to learn as much as I can in the world of Pastry. I found that when it came to learning about things I was interested in, I absorbed the knowledge like a sponge. So I find that will be one of, if not the most important factor in my self-interests that will excel my professional career.

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