Buenaventura Nunez’s ePortfolio

Buenaventura Nunez’s ePortfolio
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Hospitality Management
Portfolio Description

The year of 2014 marks the second year as a Hospitality student major for me; it’s a very import year because I get to start taking the interesting courses that give me a more inside-experience of what the hospitality career is all about; Courses like Cost Control, Culinary and Baking and Perspective in Hospitality Management . As a student among my goal is to do well and to learn as much as I can, but my main goal is to really learn the concepts and ideas that are really necessary in order to function pragmatically, effectively, and realistically in the hospitality world.

The ten year experience in the retail business has taught me a great deal of confidence that helps me to excel in dealing with customers. The personal experience of serving customers- whom are often from different background than mine- have implanted in me the seed to acquire more knowledge and to learn more from others and to apply that knowledge to create magic when it comes to customer service

If “patience is a virtue,” then I am a virtuous man. My co-workers always comment how can you do this every day and always have a smile? The trick is, and I tell them, is that I enjoy what I do. I love talking to people and I am always hungry and interested in different culture. My job and how I do it not only represent the company, but also a big part of who I am. It is also for me how I interact with my co-workers and superiors. I consider myself a person that respect each other opinions and always encourage and expect others to do well in all aspects of their professional and personal life.

I guess it all comes down to my experiences growing up. Coming from a big family, from a small and lively town and coming to the big city in my teens are really the backbone to who I am today. I love to feel welcomed and appreciated so I know that is also what others want and expect. In a world where the communication is spreading faster than ever, now more than ever, is when: who I am, what I know and what I am willing to learn and how I put in to practice and usage is what really is important.

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This ePortfolio was created by: Ventura

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Hi Buenaventura, I have not seen an update in your booklet since 4/24/15. Please update your […] See MoreComment on "List of References"

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Hi Buenaventura, Please see my comment from March 31st. I don't see any new images posted for […] See MoreComment on "Graphic or Images posted"

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Please differentiate between weeks on your graphics and images, I have no idea what you did when. […] See MoreComment on "Graphic or Images posted"