Bernaldo Grande’s ePortfolio

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Two major factors that influenced me were my teachers in high school and my father. Getting through four years of high school was the first goal. It wasn’t just the academic challenges that changed my point of view about my future, it was the people I met and the teachers that taught me throughout the years. My teachers taught me to always aim high. Academically I motivated myself to surpass all the expectations everyone had for me. By surpassing these expectations I proceeded to graduate and take the next step that would lead me closer to the career of my choice. Throughout the years my father has also influenced me to show initiative. He has helped me with many things like how to become responsible. My father owns a small business and he gave me my first job. He didn’t favor me because I was his son. He treated me like he would treat every employee; with respect. These people have prepared me to be the leader I seek to be.