ARTH2200 Art and Urban Culture in Modern China, SP2019

active 5 years, 8 months ago
ARTH2200 Art and Urban Culture in Modern China, SP2019
This Course is OPEN.
Course Code
Semester / Year
Spring 2019
Course Description

This course investigates how modern and contemporary Chinese artists and filmmakers respond to the many ways in which China’s accelerated urbanization affects the cultural, social, political and economic life in the world’s new superpower. Topics and themes include city planning, architecture and communal life in the communist regime; environmental art and urban culture in Post-Mao period; architectural designs by foreign architects since the 1990s; and urban life and the politics of consumption in the era of reform and globalization. It aims at helping students understand the formation and transformation of a new urban culture in a China that is playing an increasingly important role in today’s global affairs.


This course was created by: Zhijian Qian

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