ARCH3590 | 24SP : parametric computation, materials and fabrication

active 5 months, 3 weeks ago
ARCH3590 | 24SP : parametric computation, materials and fabrication
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Architectural Technology
Course Code
Semester / Year
Spring 2024
Course Description

This course is an introduction to parametric computational design and digital fabrication. Grasshopper, a Rhino plug-in, will be used as a primary digital modeling tool. Students will learn how to use the tool, how to work with algorithms, and how to utilize them for architectural design projects. The course will also explore qualities of basic materials such as paper, wood, concrete, and plastics in the context of computational design and digital fabrication thinking and techniques. Students will be challenged to design and fabricate three small projects: a paper lamp, a CNC milling, a pavilion/furniture project. Students will create their own geometry creation algorithms in Grasshopper and prepare 3D models for the fabrication of physical models of each project. The projects will provide students with opportunities to explore and learn the concept and techniques of parametric rule-based design, digital fabrication tools, assembly of fabricated parts.


This course was created by: Ian Gordon