Alexandria Carchietta’s ePortfolio

Alexandria Carchietta’s ePortfolio
This ePortfolio is OPEN but membership is by invitation.
Health Sciences, Restorative Dentistry
Portfolio Description

Hello my name is Alexandria Carchietta i am a current student, at New York City College of Technology. I was born on August sixth, 1993. I grauated highschool in June of 2011; Where i was first introduced to Resoritive Dentistry. I fell in love with it and went on to study it in college. I have since then graduated from the program. I am now studying Health Services Administration, for my Bachelor’s degree where I will be graduating in the fall of 2017.

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Set up of mandibular anterior and posterior teeth and festooning.

The set-up of mandibular anterior teeth are as follows: You might notice that these steps […] See MoreSet up of mandibular anterior and posterior teeth and festooning.


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Setting up Posterior Teeth.

The set up of maxillary Posterior teeth are as follows: 1: After  you have set up the […] See MoreSetting up Posterior Teeth.

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