Al Rivera’s ePortfolio

Al Rivera's ePortfolio
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Computer Engineering Technology
Portfolio Description

My name is Al RIvera and my current major in New York City College of Technology is Computer science.
I am currently enrolled in eight courses and I am striving to get my Bachelors Degree as soon as possible.
In the past I have taken courses in the field pertaining to Dental Hygiene, but I began to lose interest in my studies once the environment became a reality and I began working on patients teeth. Within a few months I was enrolled in a seminary institution with the inspiration of receiving a Pastorate Degree. After a few months I decided to take more time to myself to learn about the bible through bible studies and online study guides: I was also working as a doorman/porter at this time.
Now I am majoring in Computer Engineering, while writing a Christian book, and many various plans ahead of me.

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