Advanced Technical Writing ENG 3773

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  • Writing Prompt 4: "Neutral" Writers
  • #30987


    In my opinion, when a writer doesn’t have enough ideas or knowledge about whatever he is writing, or focusing on pros or cons on his ideas then he became neutral. Without enough information, a writer cannot write either good points or bad points supporting his topics. So, a writer remains neutral. Sometimes, it is good to be neutral if you don’t have enough supporting evidences than writing unknown things. There is a saying that “Little knowledge is dangerous” which means without enough knowledge you cannot write a good paper or essay.



    Well I believe that to remain neutral is when you give no opinion and only list the facts; you don’t want to decide or you are not sure which side to go for, trying to avoid taking a side. By writing neutral you gain credibility since you are suing real facts instead of expressing feeling towards the topic. By staying neutral you might lose how you feel about the topic; you cannot give the opinion on the subject.


    Aneudy Abreu

    Being a neutral in your writing means presenting facts/info in an unbiased way. By writing neutrally we loose our opportunity to jam in with our opinion. On the other hand, we gain credibility as integer source of information.



    To remain neutral means not having an opinion on an issue or at least keeping them to yourself. In technical writing being neutral is extremely important to ensure the writer doesn’t speak on any irrelevant pros and cons, and only state the facts. Something you gain by being neutral is understanding of other perspectives. One thing that you lose being neutral is the control to voice your concerns and opinion freely in fear of over favoring one side.

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