Advanced Technical Writing ENG 3773

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  • Writing Prompt 4: "Neutral" Writers
  • #30947


    What does it mean to remain “neutral” in your writing? What do you gain from being neutral? What do you lose?

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Thomas.

    Damika Green

    To remain “neutral” in writing is to pose a question or answer a question without picking a side. Making sure your diction and syntax don’t influence the reader’s opinion, but simply giving them enough information to choose a side or also stay neutral. By being neutral you are essential losing your voice and in certain medians that could reflect poorly on you as a writer.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Damika Green.


    I believe that who is a Neutral Writer will more readers and readers can see different views from different points of views. People have the right to know what is going on around them, so a neutral writer can bring those views to readers that can not get the right facts of the situation.


    Joseph Tran

    Being neutral in your writing means to not take sides. In other words, it means not to be bias on your topic and keeping to the facts of your writing.


    Troy D.

    To remain neutral in writing means to be objective and not show your bias towards one side. Writers need to convey not their message, but simply messages. It is their job to decide what to write and how to format their writing. It’s also best not to try and influence readers into simply agreeing or parroting the writer. We as readers must be informed not influenced.



    To remain neutral in your writing means you are not taking sides. By not be a bias writer but just simply write all what you know without being sarcastic. By been neutral writer you might lose fans or probably who read your work.



    Being neutral simply means not to be bias. You see this a lot in review sites for games, movies, etc. What you gain from being neutral is that your work won’t get influence from any outside sources, for example you won’t give a movie a high rating just cause you like that franchise. You might lose some audience or people who do love or respect that franchise just as much as you do however, or, if your review isn’t favorable, you might also lose some die hard fans who only want to hear the good about their favorite media that you are writing about.



    To remain neutral means the writer will not write about his opinion on a controversial topic. The writer should provide all facts, good or bad, and should not subject his readers to his/her opinions or personal feelings.

    What the writer gains by remaining neutral is that the writer will provide two sides of a story without picking a side.

    What is lost is the writers ability to provide their opinions/suggestions.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by Hanh.


    When you remain neutral it means to not take any sides on the argument or topic. When you are neutral you are more likely to gain an audience that is more understanding and lenient to your response. This is likely to happen because you are not taking sides,stating how you feel or giving an opinion. You can lose expressing your thoughts on how you feel about the situation. You are not creating a debate. When you have a debate people are able to share their opinions and to learn from another.



    Neutral refers to support both point of view. The benefits could be writer will not get any problem of criticism. The disadvantage could be writer’s point of view might be absolutely correct, but still being impartial does not show a stand on his writing.



    To remain neutral means not to show your preference toward one side or not to have a bias review.As as writer you should not write fanatic criticism or review about a subject with the purpose of influencing you audience to choose a side.Your writing should not be based on your like or dislike of the author or of the subject. The writing should be just a summary of the ideas the author is trying send to his audiences. As you remain neutral you might lose some parts of the audience who dislike the author or to not agree with his views.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by MENSAH EKUE.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by MENSAH EKUE.


    Writing in neutral means not being bias towards the subject and only listing the facts that are known rather than personal opinions. Further, when writing neutral a mutual stance is gained by not showing favoritism towards the subject because it is giving fairness and equality to the writing and audience. On the other hand, neutral writing might lose some viewers that are passionate about the subject and might not agree with the author of the text. In addition, expression of thoughts and options about the topic which might be important will be lost as well by staying neutral to the subject.



    What does it mean to remain “neutral” in your writing? What do you gain from being neutral? What do you lose?

    Being neutral in writing, from my perspective, means do not support ideas that belong to your opponents. If you want to be neutral, you have to underline the main points and thesises from your opponents that leads you to neutral position in conversation or in desiccation. In this position, the writer’s gain is audience because the writer does not have own view and for this reason, do not have some disagreement with audience. The best examples that show how to be neutral are politician newspapers because they just describe opponents’ ideas. However, it is very important to notice that if you are neutral in writing you do not have a chance to express your ideas because in this way, you automatically support one of opponents.



    Re: What does it mean to remain “neutral” in your writing? What do you gain from being neutral? What do you lose?

    Being neutral in technical writing means to approach the subject matter with a viewpoint from both side of table. A writer gain from being neutral is his audience trust because with a neutral point of view the writer is able to get audience from both side of the subject matter. The only lost will be some audience who think your writing is inconclusive since no side was pick or the writer didn’t give his opinion or point of view. Overall being neutral a writer is set to gain more than lost.



    Remains neutral means that the writer should write without giving his opinion. For credibility Purpose the write should take into consideration facts, good, bad and try create an equilibrium without being for or against any person or entity. By being neutral , I don’t think anything is lost by being neutral because the writer is acting more like a referee. his goal is to create a balance.

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