Advanced Technical Writing ENG 3773

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  • Writing Prompt 3: Power of Language
  • #30787


    “Power of Language”
    I agree with the quote because language is like a layer to communicate with people. The only way to communicate with people is both speaker and listener can understand a similar language. Languages plays a vital role in daily basis. I believe that language is very important and powerful role in a life of human being. Understanding a multiple language also can be benefits for people.


    Damian Robinson

    We have all seen on television when world leaders are speaking they speak in a language that will get there point across, to show that they are the boss and to demonstrate how serious they are about situation or are series of events happening in the world. Most of the times these statements are prepared and the language that is used is carefully chosen to apply to the topic that the individual will speak about.
    This is just to prove how the power of language can be used to define an individual and how they are perceived by others.



    I do agree with the statement language is power, because language consist of words, and words are very powerful. Language and words despite the dialect have the power to make people extremely emotional. Language can also be influential if used correctly a person can influence a crowds of people to join a following. Language and words are used in a speech the better speaker is usually the person that persuaded the crowd the most. Being able to influence and persuasion others is power alone and being able to do so with just words and language that is a very powerful thing.



    I absolutely agree with the statement:“language is power” because when can use language as tool to gain public support. One can also use language to sober, persuade, as well as stimulate others. I also agree with the statement because language can be use as a tool to connect and disconnect people. Moreover, we can also use language as a mean to caress, inform, comfort as well as torching the heart of our peers.



    This all depends on what you define as “Language”. If you mean the literal sense of language, meaning if you can speak English, Spanish, or Japanese, than yes, language is power. Jobs will be trilled to see that you can speak many different languages. If you mean language as in the language that your words are speaking, that’s a different story. Using story writing, for example, you want to use the right words, tone, and expression to display what you want the reader to say. You wouldn’t want to use straight forward words in a Philosophical piece or a sad story, the language will be affected.



    I agree with the statement that language is power because it is the primary way humans can communicate with each other and express their thoughts in written or oral form. Also, by specking a language we can determine where a person comes form or their profession by the way they speak. For instance, if an individual is using tech jargon words like dhcp or dns, which a common person might not know and it would give the tech more power in the situation being able to understand the words. In addition, a person’s feelings and emotional state can be predicted by the sound of the voice or tell if a person is passionate or not in what they are saying. To conclude, I think language is power and the more languages you know the more audience you can reach out too and influence.


    Damian Robinson

    We have all seen on television when world leaders are speaking they speak in a language that will get there point across, to show that they are the boss and to demonstrate how serious they are about situation or are series of events happening in the world. Most of the times these statements are prepared and the language that is used is carefully chosen to apply to the topic that the individual will speak about.
    This is just to prove how the power of language can be used to define an individual and how they are perceived by others.



    Yes, I do agree with that language is power because is the way people can understand what you are saying. This is the way you can present your ideas to d=others around, and if you know how to communicate properly you will be good. People would see that you can communicate well with other, especially with all the different language spoken in the world.


    Aneudy Abreu

    Language is subjective by nature. Words take meaning depending on their context both literal and cultural context. Words can be powerful both positively and negatively. It is important to understand who the audience is.



    I definitely agree with the statement “Language is power.” Language can grub the attention of your audience and keep them focused on your speach, it can convince people or even decide what others think about you, further more, language can solve or complicate situations, language can make us happy or sad, so use the best of it.



    I agree with the statement that “Language is power” because language, in all its forms, allows people to communicate with each other and have a better understanding of thoughts, different cultures and history; and it also allows a forum for learning. It is also beneficial if you can command more than one language. For example, in traveling around the globe I have come to understand how important it is to know more than just English; if you can speak other languages then you can understand and be understood by many. Knowing additional languages can also put you ahead of the pack in the job market because you become a more marketable commodity to companies that want to hire you.

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