
Throughout the last month this research group has been working on a way to upgrade all of the college’s computers to meet the needs of students and faculty. We are working towards providing updated computer systems to computer labs and classrooms. This would hopefully help boost graduation success rate and decrease the amount of drop out rates that occur in the college. With the increase in updated computer hardware, students would be more influenced to come to school because they would have better equipment to learn on. 

The footprint technology is putting on the earth is enforcing that technology will continue to play a valuable and important role in our life. Technology is becoming an important resource that we use in our lives. There is technology all around us, in all of our homes, jobs, and neighborhoods. Therefore technology will ultimately play a vital role in our schools educational learning process. We need to upgrade the computer systems in City Tech in order to continue to keep up with the constantly advancing technology in the world

New York City College of Technology is a technology driven school that provides many different technological majors. These technological majors such as Computer Science need an up to date computer in order to provide the best opportunity to our college students. We are striving to acquire more money in order to upgrade these computers. We plan on upgrading the computers in the computer labs, classroom, libraries, and etc. 

We strive to increase the effectiveness that students can complete their work online in class or in the school instead of going home to complete it. When students go home and do their work, many students tend to procrastinate to the extent that they would not end up doing their work. Many students that do their work in school rather than do their work at home tend to get better grades. With the increase in better grades students are inclined to finish college and get their degree.