
  • With the Introduction of these new computer systems we hoped to see an increase in the amount of students using the computer labs in order to complete their work. We wanted to see an increase in the grades of our students because with the advancement in computer technology, students would be more inclined to come to school and complete their work on time. With increase in grades the graduation success rate of students in this school would increase gradually.
  • With the advancement in computer Hardware we expect to see more students attempt to join a technological major in the school. This would allow more City Tech students to join a field that could help create technology that could end up changing life for the better. More students would apply to city tech because they would feel like they are getting a better learning opportunity with the increase in the latest technology.
  • The faculty and staff would be better equipped to form better lesson plans and slides to teach students with the increase in better technology. Students would receive better lesson plans and more updated lessons that would allow us students to be more inclined to work on our project. By adding better computer hardware to the libraries and main offices the staff will be better at keeping students’ work and other information up to date.