This is the entrance for the Greenwood cemetery. Your able to see the unique design build by Richard Upjohn who is the founder of the American Institute of Architects. As you look close, you are able to see hidden ladders inside the arch, and panels outside depicting biblical scenes from the New Testament. Another unique trait about this entrance, is as you enter you hear sounds of parakeets. It may not seem important, but the colony of blue-green monk parakeets nesting in its spires; apparently have been nesting there since 1960 when when a crate broke at JFK airport and the parakeets escaped. Since then they have been nesting there ever since.

This is the entrance for the Greenwood cemetery. You’re able to see the unique design build by Richard Upjohn who is the founder of the American Institute of Architects. As you look close, you are able to see hidden ladders inside the arch, and panels outside depicting biblical scenes from the New Testament. Another unique trait about this entrance, is as you enter you hear sounds of parakeets. It may not seem important, but the colony of blue-green monk parakeets nesting in its spires; apparently have been nesting there since 1960 when when a crate broke at JFK airport and the parakeets escaped. Since then they have been nesting there ever since.