F2017 Announcements

Welcome to the fall 2017 semester! Here are dates to look out for in the fall 2017 semester at City Tech. Please see the sub menus for details about the Grace Gallery Student Show and class field trips.

Here are some additional details to be aware of:

  • The Commencement of Attendance Rosters (COA) are open and available for submission on CUNYFirst. The COA Rosters must be submitted to the Registrar’s office by Monday, September 11th. See related attachment.
  • Communicating with students
    Please remember to use your CityTech email especially when corresponding with students.
  • Faculty Observations
    Please be aware that all faculty are subject to being observed once a semester. This usually takes place around week 7 of the semester. You should receive a notice in your mailbox once schedules have been assigned.
  • Maintaining classroom labs
    Please, please help us to keep the computer labs clean. Students are not permitted to eat or drink in the labs. We do not have any budget available to replace equipment. We would also like to ask you to minimize all printing in the classroom. The department did not receive our normal budget for printing costs this semester.
  • Grace Gallery Student Show – all classes are required to participate



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