Like previous decades, the 1980’s influenced many ideas within posters, advertisement and other forms of media. However, images iconic to this period are byproducts of pop culture. Movies, music, and popular books had a great deal of impact on the decade and is now become symbolic references and objects. Science fiction was elavated by the space race of past decades, and has spawned creative images that encourages thoughts without being restricted by the limitations of reality. In the late 1970’s, the star wars series was introduced and gave an interruption of a world much bigger that what currently exist.  Vibrant colors were common, which best illustrated themes on the decade. Contrast among page elaments made compositions attractive. Font size also played a role grabbing attentions. These are elements that can be found in pervious work from past decades, but themes of the 80’s reflected upon work done during that time.


Like the 80’s future decades incoparated elaments of pop-culture into illustrations, which made them relevant. There are various forms of designs that can be used to express a theme or share a message. However, several periods during the last century favored different methods of getting the message across.