Black / Excellence

BLACK / EXCELLENCE is the story of visual artist, Khary Randolph’s multifaceted illustration career. This month-long solo exhibition is free and open to the public.
Randolph’s bold style breaks from comics tradition, drawing on influences such as Saul Bass, Norman Rockwell, and HIP-HOP. He maintains throughout his diverse body of work a clear artistic voice and unapologetically addresses issues of representation, race, class, and diversity in a medium historically dominated by one-dimensional white male power fantasies.

The works on display are a generous gift of the artist to the department of Communication Design at New York City College of Technology and will be made available to the public for the purposes of fundraising, helping to educate and launch the careers of the industry’s next generation of creators.

BLACK / EXCELLENCE will be on View in the City Tech Grace Gallery from 9/26 through 10/ 31 2019.

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