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Who is eligible to submit work?
- ALL Students!
- Foundation, AAS, and BFA students are all encouraged to apply.
What kind of work can be submitted?
- ALL work!
- And not just classwork. If your best work was created outside of the classroom, submit it.
- You may submit multiple projects from current and past semesters.
- You may submit professional work, but only if approved by your client or employer.
When is the BFA Show held?
- Every Spring semester!
- Save and/or document your best work from each semester and submit to the Student Show each Spring.
Why should I submit my work?
- You could win awards and prizes!
- It’s a chance for faculty, students, and other professional designers to see your work.
- It’s good preparation for professional practice.
How do I submit my work?
- Use the online submission form on this site!
- Students are responsible for submitting their own work, but your professors and other faculty are happy to help you if you have questions.
What if I have more than one project to submit?
- You may submit multiple projects, but submit them separately!
- Make sure to refresh the online submission form before submitting another project.
How do I document and prepare my work for submission?
- Attend one of the upcoming workshops.
- Talk to your professors during office hours about documenting your work and preparing it for submission.
- Download and follow the Technical Specifications sheet!
Who will judge the work?
- The student work will be judged by a panel comprised of two COMD professors and one outside professional.
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