Author Archives: Destiny Ramos

Ramos- Lighting Direction

What I like about this photo is that although there is still very little color here it is still a silhouette and makes an odd shape where it doesn’t look like 2 flowers  

Posted in LL5-Lighting Direction | Leave a comment

Depth of Field

  Shallow Depth of Field is when the focal point of the picture in the foreground and the background isn’t clear.

Posted in LL4-Depth of Field | 1 Comment

Cool Pattern

  I found this lovely Pattern by the water of the park and it struck me, especially as the water   brushed against it. I love this picture more than the others because you can see movement in the photo … Continue reading

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10/4 THE BETTER BEST PICTURE!!!!! by Chris and Des

Posted in LL2-More on Composition | Leave a comment

Destiny Ramos Hw 1: Photo Description

The photo Hallway (1953) by Roy DeCarava gives off an eerie feel to it. All it is, is a dark photo of the end of a hallway. It probably wasn’t intentional to give off a macabre feel to it but when I … Continue reading

Posted in Homework, HW1-photo description | Tagged , , , , , , , | 1 Comment

Destiny Ramos Tone and Contrast

Out of all the photo’s that I liked in the Tone and Contrast category, I’d say that the photo from Siege of Aleppo by Javier Manzano is my favorite. It appeals to me as a Low Key composition because there are … Continue reading

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