Haiku & Reflection


Enduring facets

of exceptional self-appraisal

that’s narcissism


  1. I noticed that even though I was given a set of constraints/limitations it made it easier to write the haiku because it gave me a format to work with rather than just free writing and figuring out how to organize my ideas.
  2. I’ve never written or read a haiku before so what surprised me the most was how they only contained 17 syllables.
  3. The easiest part about writing this haiku was that I was given a set of constraints which helped me organize my writing because I already knew I had to follow a specific format. The hardest part was applying these constraints so that my writing makes sense. For example, making sure I followed the 5-7-5 rule using only the vocabulary from the DMV 5.
  4.  I didn’t really have a specific strategy at first just  because I never wrote a Haiku before. However, having the other Haikus as examples helped me understand how to write mine.

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