Nursing is an art where human beings entrust their lives in the hands of another. It requires an in depth understanding of the physiological, psychological, and emotional needs of a human being. For a painter, the right color and air quality are important in creating a masterpiece; likewise the nurse pays close attention to changes in the patient’s environment, bodily and mental changes, along with responses to an illness or a medical regimen. Equipped with knowledge and observations, a nurse is able to formulate an individualized care plan that will meet the needs of the patient. Just as Florence Nightingale had described a painter or sculptor having devotion and preparation, the nurse too invests in continuously acquiring knowledge about her craft to come to near perfection with every sterile technique, every medication administration, and any other skills in the scope of her profession. They are honed and shaped by the intricate skills and knowledge attained through academic study and hands on experience.
Nursing involves compassion, understanding, and tenacity in order to be in the field of nursing. It requires the deliverance of quality care with utmost respect and patience for all individuals of all walks of life. There was a quote in a movie, 2012, that I had once seen which I feel resounds universally. The quote reads “The moment we stop fighting for each other, that’s the moment we lose our humanity.” I believe in the value of every individual walking on this planet. Although, the profession of nursing involves legal and ethical issues along with the ability to work with other medical professionals, I believe that the core of nursing lies in the humanity of individuals. Every human being has the fundamental right to have rest and activity, elimination, acceptance, safety, oxygenation, and nutrition; just as Abraham Maslow had described in his hierarchy of needs.All of the qualities that a nurse possess make him/her an effective nurse are all for the common good. Quality nurses who continue to educate and hone their skills are able to provide outstanding care, because he or she is able to acquire knowledge about changes in the nursing world. A nurse is a team member of an interdisciplinary health care team. He or she is able to voice out the needs of her client and strive to achieve what she feels needs be done, within the limitations of the practice, in order to provide comfort for the patient.
With more determination and experience, I come to devote myself in becoming a professional nurse. Many have asked me why I have chosen the nursing profession. Though true, I have a passion for art, particularly drawing; I have grown a deeper love for nursing. I feel that nursing is my way of giving back to society. I have discovered my love for helping others and working in a team. I am determined to provide quality care to all patients, which will be assigned to me, with compassion, efficiency and understanding. I will provide them with the same respect and dignity that I, too, would like to receive. My philosophy of nursing can be easily carried into the work place. Not only will I carry it with me to the work place, it will be something to guide my day to day life for the remainder of my days.