Day Zero: Looking for internships

Seeking an internship that relates to my field has been a challenge to me. Most illustration work is done free-lanced and is rarely done full time unless they are in a studio. For the past couples of weeks, it was difficult for me to find an illustration internship. I’ve been suggested to intern at a printing company, gallery company, and other graphic design places but I feel it may be a waste of time as it was not in my field. I understand that it will broaden my skills as an illustrator and that the experiences that I will learn can be used in the future. Unfortunately, I don’t want to be the type of  a “Jack of All Trades” designer. It will be ideal to be as one but that’s not what I am passionate about.

During the first week in March, a fellow colleague of mine in my internship course suggested me to contact a japanese gallery called ‘Ouchi’ which she has worked in the past. I was able to scheduled an appointment and was able to meet the person in charged of the gallery. Her name was Mrs.Arisa and something about her gave a warm and welcoming presence when I entered the room. She told me to take a walk around the gallery and settle down before the interview. Tonight’s opening reception featured Yuko Katano who was a japanese artist that paints various range of impressions of women. As I was browsing through Mrs.Katano’s paintings, one of Mrs. Arisa’s assistant told me that there is a smaller gallery space at the back of the room. As I was given a small tour by her assistant, I’ve learned that Mrs.Arisa and I share some common interest; that is teaching children arts. After I was done with the tour, I’ve told Mrs. Arisa that I was ready for the interview.

The interview was taken place in the main gallery room. During the interview, I learned that Mrs. Arisa wanted a person who can promote and increase traffic of her gallery using the Instragram website. She also wanted a person who can socialize with both the visitor and the artist during the gallery’s open hours. Every week, the gallery is updated with new artist(s) to showcase their work and needs someone to set up the gallery. Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays are the busiest days of the week because the gallery needs to be setup and installed for the upcoming artist to use the space.

Although it may be a good experience for me to learn how to manage a gallery, I feel that I have a long way to go before I can establish my name to own or take part of a gallery event. For now, I will continue seeking for another internship that can help enhance my skills as an illustrator.


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