Day Two: Office workflow (Week one)

I began working immediately and was placed into a cubicle with a few other interns. My first assignment was to illustrate a portrait of the president of City Tech. He gave me a print out of him so I can use that as a reference. Since I do not have my drawing tablet, I was forced to work on my sketchbook with my handy drawing utensils. The cubicle in my area has two old iMacs and a scanner. When I asked about the iMacs, one of the interns said those machines have problems. It crashes and freezes often and the internet doesn’t work. They were only used for storage space or offline paperwork. It gave me the chills because that forces me to work traditionally rather than digitally as an illustrator.


When I looked around the office, it was semi-formal to informal. Some people worn jeans with sneakers, others worn dress pants with dress shoes. When working, I noticed that the interns around me often have headphones. It makes sense since it is inappropriate to distract your fellow workers. It’s quite a friendly environment. If you need something, they are there to help you.

I am free to to take my lunch break anytime throughout the day. These lunch hours will be incorporated with the work hours but that doesn’t mean I will abuse my hours needed to complete my projects. I’ve seen that they have a microwave and fridge in the office and was granted permission to use it. Since then, I have always packed a sandwich or a small lunch dish to go to eat in the office.

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