Week Two – MORE Illustrations!

After completing the first illustration assignment, my next job was to illustrate Benjamin H. Shepard, a Human Service Professor. I was given two assignments for this project. One was to create an illustration that says “Scholar on Campus” and it will be shown in the introduction of the interview. The second assignment was to create an illustration of Benjamin for the City Tech Instagram.

I created several sketches for them to choose for the introduction. IMG_20150324_144118After the sketches were chosen, Al has setup my workspace to be filmed for the introduction of the interview. My drawing will be in time lapse and that the camera will take a picture every 10 secs. He suggests me to take my time and don’t block the camera view.  Here is the link to the illustration and to Benjamin’s interview.

IMG_20150324_144609Benjamin Sketch

Due to the limits of the old iMac’s, I was only able to work on my illustration of Benjamin by using one of the worker’s newer iMac in their room. When the person’s shift has ended, I was able to use her computer. In the meantime, Yue has gave me an important project for me to do; that is to help illustrate an ad for City Tech’s Career and Technology Teacher Education Program. Yue has explained to me the details in which I need to do for his photo shoot and I was accompanied by 2 other workers to help me. The idea was to combine technology and education in one ad. We used black foam boards as a substitution of a blackboard in classrooms. My job was to create an outline of something you’ll see in a computer on the foam board. I’ve also given the job to create the letters for title that will be placed on the board.


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