Senior Center Public Health Project

During March 2015, a group project assignment was assigned with the goal of providing a dental oriented presentation to a public group; for example, school children, college students, senior center, etc.

The group that I was part of decided to choose an elderly population to present to. After a lot of option sites we finally chose Florence E Smith Senior Services, located in Queens NY. Our reason for choosing the elderly population to present to was because of the simple fact that it is after all one of the fastest growing population groups within the United States for the next 30 years.

Our main goal was to inform the senior aged audience about the importance of oral health. The modified bass brushing technique was demonstrated, oral cancer screening procedure was highlighted, strong dialogue with dentist was promoted and a Q&A moment was provided for the audience.

During this public dental presentation, I learned that there is a huge difference when providing a presentation amongst piers and the general public. As the speaker, I realized that not all eyes were on me during the presentation and realized I had to engage the audience with questions and then build upon the reaction of the audience. It was great!


Team Member: George Murphy, Jhanu, Akbar, and Carlos. Named Left to Right.