About Me


I’ve been working since the age of 12, during the summers of Junior High School and High School. Which brings you to the simple conclusion that I’m a hard worker. My first job started when I began helping my father with different types of construction work; mixing cement, demolition, painting, sheet rock installation and basic plumbing. It was needless to say a very exciting experience. Dentistry came into my life the day my parents both asked me to step out of the comfort zone and try something new. My mother, a RDH, had said to me that I should ask my dentist if I could work or help around her office and I asked. To this day I still work part time in that same office where my first days in the dental field all started.

I fell in love with the dental field of dentistry especially knowing that each day presents with a new challenge. These challenges provide exposure to so many different situations and the results of these situations help provide experiences and lessons to make me become a better healthcare provider. Its a never ending process !

