Head Start

On May 5 I was able to participate on a school field trip to provide basic dental exam and fluoride treatment for children participating in the Head Start program.

This was the first time I have ever provided and been part of a service like this.

I was able to go into a classroom with young children ages 4-5 years old so eager to learn about teeth. I was able to demonstrate and provide assistance to the children in brushing their teeth in a circular brushing method onto a stuffed toy with teeth, the children enjoyed it. After the classroom visit and teeth brushing presentation, I paired up with another student to provide dental exam and flourished treatments to the children participating. Exam was compromised with simple questions of what is present during oral exam, such as, if the patient has active caries, filled cavities, any abnormal findings, and what degree of early childhood caries is the patient. After oral exam, brush on fluoride varnish treatment was provided to the patient. The dental services provided went smoothly.






Explaining patient about Fluoride Varnish. “It will make your teeth stronger and whiter.”



Opening Varnish Dap n Dish to begin agitating Fluoride contents.



Successful application of fluoride varnish.



After dental services…. Group Picture !!