A City Tech OpenLab ePortfolio


LAB 6 – Android

Lab Description:

In this lab, we will be introduced to the Android SDK that will provide us with the tools that we will need to begin building and testing Android Applications in conjunction with the Eclipse IDE by building our first basic app. This application will provide the user with an screen where it will allow it to enter a message in a text field and once a button is clicked, it will take the string and display it in a new screen. Following a tutorial found in the android developer website, we will familiarize ourself with the basic terminology and the files that we work with on an Android interface. The tutorial will run through how to start a new Android Project, how to run it on a Virtual Device (Emulator) or a real device, building a simple user interface, and creating an intent for a new screen that will appear with the message once the button is clicked. If directions are followed correctly, the project will then be able to run correctly and smoothly on the VD or the real device. 




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