Graphic Design Principle 1

My goal was to show the struggles of depression during Covid. Using gauche I created a scene of a man drowning and holding onto the leg of dove. The dove is a symbol of hope and the man is grasping onto it as to not drown in his depression, the ocean. I also turned the sun into a Covid-19 molecule.

Type and Media

Using my knowledge of type, alignment, and design I created an album cover for my favorite artist Kid Cudi. I was inspired by his music and choices for album covers to create this using Adobe InDesign.


I was asked to take dynamic photos with interesting lighting. This man walked through my line of view and I decided that this would show the mood and gloominess of the day.

Communication Design 1

Using inspiration from movie posters I designed this poster to show the mindset behind intense rules and how the depression can take over the mind and body. I showed this in a simple and easy to read design that makes the audience think about the true meaning behind the poster.

Figure Drawing

Using India Ink washes I recreated a study by Paul Cadmus.

Figure Drawing-Heavy Shadows

I drew the model with charcoal in three minutes with the goal of showing the intense shadows on the body.

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